Switch divisions

Day 3,094, 00:32 Published in Romania Romania by costin1989

Puteti schimba divizia distrugand obiectivele aparute pe campul de lupta


From now on, you will not be able to use Small Bombs/Rockets when fighting in a Division other than your default one.

The only exception is the Big Bombs, since they are equal in all Divisions.

Obs.! in distrugerea obiectivelor conteaza damage-ul (nu kills)

Distrugerea unui obiectiv iti permite deblocarea unei divizii (poti alege divizia pe care vrei sa o deblochezi) si apoi te poti muta intre aceste doua divizii in timpul rundei de oricate ori vrei doar in batalia in care ai distrus obiectivul.

Pentru a debloca inca o divizie trebuie sa distrugi inca un obiectiv

Obiectivele se distrug din ce in ce mai greu si nu conteaza damage boosterul

Odata schimbata divizia damage-ul dat este diferit (nu stiu formula dar este mai mic - si mi se pare normal 🙂 )
Se pare ca damage-ul se contorizeaza tot la D4(in cazul meu) ???

P.S. informatiile din articol sunt empirice si e posibil sa fie modificate pe masura ce aflu noi informatii

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Starting today, until the end of the Resource Wars Event you will be able to experience fighting in other Divisions.
You can switch Division by completing individual Objectives that are scaled based on your health pool. Objectives will be available for completion only by fighting in your default Division.


If you are in Division 4 and you manage to complete the Objective you find in a Round, you will unlock a Division of your choice.

Once unlocked, you can switch back and forth between the unlocked Divisions and your original Division for the remaining of that Round, in that specific Battle, on that side (just like the Ghost Booster).

In the unlocked Divisions, the capped max hit replaces the regular hit (hit based on strength, weapon and rank) if the latter is higher. The max hit is the highest hit done in that round by a player that naturally belongs to that Division. However, if the max hit is lower than 10,000 then 10,000 would be the damage/hit taken into consideration. All bonuses (Elite Citizen/Legendary Rank/Damage Booster etc.) are added to the capped max hit as they are added to the regular hit.


If your default Division is Division 2 and you unlock Division 1, in which the max hit is 5,000, your damage/hit will be 10,000 + bonuses.
If your default Division is Division 2 and you unlock Division 1, in which the max hit is 15,000, your damage/hit will be 15,000 + bonuses.

The Bombs/Rockets will deal the same damage as in your default Division.