Sucessfull trolling is sucessfull...

Day 1,293, 18:12 Published in Ireland Cyprus by Kaniballos

So this is my first article after a while and also my first article since I've moved to Ireland. So I will introduce my self: I'm Kaniballos, first started playing on Nov 28, 2010, in eGreece. Since then lot pf stuff has happened and due to that me and my mates in the Libertad military unit decided to move to Ireland and request it's citizenship.
Good luck to both candidates for the CP even if the result seems already clear... Now for the main topic.

Today an article by Kostis7 appeared out of nowhere and published both in greek and irish media: It is in greek unfortunately and it was name😛"Libertad is here-New Goverment" and it describes the (imaginary) proposal by the greek CP candidate ypourgos, for Libertad to return to eGreece and take control of the ministries in these dire times of eGreece.

(for those who are not aware of it, eGreece is almost overtaken by the honest and for sure no multing/botting/etc Rebublik of Macedonia(Fyrom) friendly people that we see (actually pitifully) trying also to pto Ireland and fight side by side with the British)


An immediate fuss started with many really cute comments like:

Greek Original comment: "impeachmentssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!polla kai ana takta diastimata............
Prosxediasmeno to taksiadaki stin eksotiki irlandia gia na gurisete ws irwes...TRAGIKOTITES!"
Aproximmate Transcript:
"Impeachments! Many and continous... The trip in exotical Ireland to return as heroes... Tragical stuff"

Or even a sheet of an article was published.

All in all, many people swallowed the hook and almost said thank you.
What they didn't understand is that Libertad came in Ireland to stay and be a true part of the eIrish community. We neither get whimsical decisions on the spur of the moment nor we are frivolous when we finally set our minds in something.

So to get this straight. Libertad is staying in eIreland.

+We occasionaly have a weird,provocative humor. We don't do it for us!
We do it for the Lulz.