Short Scary Stories

Day 2,499, 08:07 Published in Romania Romania by RobyZee

1. She heard a noise and locked the door. Little did she know she locked whatever it inside with her.

2.Why is it that no matter how much I clean the windows, I can never see out of my daughter’s room?

3.Ever spotted something out of the corner of your eye with the suspicion that someone was watching you? Ever seen half of a face staring back?

4.I went on my phone and saw pictures of me sleeping. I live alone.

5.As I was stumbling in the night to get the the washroom, I felt my dog brush against my leg. But then I heard my dog barking upstairs at something else.

6.As I walked into the room the perfect stillness of the air took my breathe away. Then the wind chime hanging from the ceiling started singing softly.

7.My mom watches kids in a daycare and there is a 4 year old boy and his little sister who is 3 months old. Today I saw him singing “Dumb Ways To Die” to her, as he shook her back and forth really fast. when I told him to stop he covered her mouth and nose with his hand. I pulled him away from her and he said “she’s MY baby!"

8.My last thought before the man in the backseat slit my throat was that the man in the other truck was trying to warn me

9.“Honey, are you back yet?” I ask, as the living room door opens behind me. Someone appreciatively whispers “No…” into my ear.

10.When I was able to hear again I would often talk to myself when I was alone, just to enjoy the sound in my ears. I stopped shortly after, once I starting hearing replies to my conversations.

11.They told me not to build my house on a supposed graveyard. I believed them the night I heard knocking beneath my feet.

12.“I’ve forgotten to turn off the car lights yet again” I think and reach for the car keys. Then I realize that in the darkness outside my window no rear lights are glowing, but two red eyes staring at me.

13.My bedroom door was closed and blocked by a bookshelf. At 2am she was looking at me after throwing clothes around my room with the door closed and the bookshelves still blocking the door, I have no girlfriend,sister or daughter but there stood the girl.

14.Having a light burn out is creepy enough when you’re living alone. Having a light turn on is even worse.

15.I woke up in the middle of the night to hear my sister breathing in the bed next to me. I then remembered she was staying at a friend’s house for the night and wasn’t home.

16.This morning I opened the curtains to find a bloody hand print from the outside of the window. I live on the third floor.

17.After twelve long hours and being covered in mud, the man finally came home to hear his wife cooking in the kitchen. He thought what a waste of time if she already dug herself out.

18.My husband finished shaving in front of the bathroom mirror, rinsed his face and dried off. As he reached for the light switch by the door across the room, I could see his reflection pressed against the glass, leering…

19.I always did love your face and everything about it. That’s why I’m wearing it now.

20.I’ll don’t ever want to leave your side, my love. And now, with the help of this doctor and this suture, I’ll never have to.