SFP Congress Call:

Day 3,287, 03:58 Published in USA USA by Jimmy Cincinnati

Most of my articles are written about my observations and every time I express a view, I run the risk of offending someone. But when we can no longer express a view, we know we are screwed. You see; an insult is often a truth that someone doesn't want to face. That's one path to things like a dictatorship.

It's evident that Top 2 Parties are in bed with each other; so to speak.
I'm not sure if USWP are trying to pull Fed votes or if there is an underlying conspiracy, but there is an undeniable voting block.
Most responsible citizens should agree that it's in our best interests to break up the monopoly . The easiest way to do that is to join the opposition. (I don't mind plugging my party, here.)

There literally hasn't been a proposal in days.
The dictator made the most proposals, during my tenure.
SFP proposals included; training war, NE proposal and increased DoCA budget. The training war passed, the NE passed and the budget failed.

Party News:
A Call for Congress Candidates has been sent. Primaries will begin on the 20th.
The party and MU offer supplies, without a commune. If you'd like a commune; speak to Wooky Jack or PilotPhil.

Bear Cavalry:
The Cavalry will be coordinating a daily mass attack and we will eventually be adding COs into that equation. It takes place at 18:00 eRep time.
Yes, we are still giving supplies, without mandating communes. Just look in the Militia feed for the application.

Grab a pen and paper. Help us write the people's history.

SFP Housing and Transit Projects. (Party Members Only) - Buy a Q1 house or moving ticket from hoss1965, then message him a for a 100% refund.