S.Q.U.A.D - Giveaway Comp - 43 Gold to Give!

Day 2,686, 08:02 Published in Australia Australia by pr3zzyy

G'day Ladies and gents, to Celebrate the spectacular win us Aussie's had in the cricket final's, S.Q.U.A.D is proud to host a Competition/giveaway.

This is going to be open to all eCountries, but I will not be providing any translations (sorry).

Riddles seem to be all the rage these days so here is my contribution, and for a little twist all of them are themed on numeracy and/or mathematics.

I will not acknowledge any answers right or wrong until 5 people have won or 24 Hour's have passed since the last correct guess was made, or if no correct guessed were made 24 hours after the article was released (and every consecutive 24 hours after that)

Group 1 (5 Winners per question) - Prize 1 Gold Each
1. Does a pound of gold or a pound of feathers weight more?
Update: After numerous identical tries, no-one has go this yet.
Hint: The answer is not 'They are both the same' 😉
Update 2: Finally someone got it, and now there is a couple that correctly answered. (2/5) Prizes given out!
Answer: The feathers. A pound of feathers is measured in avoirdupois weight, in which one pound equals 16 ounces. Precious metals are measured in troy weight, in which one pound equals 12 ounces.

However, the ounces are not measured in the same way. In avoirdupois weight, one ounce = 437.5 grains. In troy weight, one ounce = 480 grains.

So, one pound of feathers weighs (16)x(437.5 grains) = 7,000 grains. One pound of gold weighs (12)x(480 grains) = 5,760 grains.

2. What 3 positive numbers give the same result when multiplied and added together?
Update: All 5 rewards for this have been given out!
Answer: 1, 2, and 3

3. 01010100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100001 01101110 01110011 01110111 01100101 01110010 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 00110100 00110010 00100001
Update: A few of you have got this one! (3/5) Prizes given out!

Group 2 (3 Winners per question) - Prize 3 Gold Each
1. You have a flashlight that takes 2 working batteries. You have 8 batteries but only 4 of them work. What is the fewest number of pairs you need to test to guarantee you can get the flashlight on?
Update: All 3 rewards for this have been given out!
Answer: If you break the batteries into 3 groups: Two groups of 3 and one group of 2. By doing this you guarantee that one of the groups has 2 working batteries. Both of the groups of 3 have 3 possible combinations of 2 batteries and the group of 2 only has 1 combination. So, 3 + 3 + 1 = 7 tries at most to find two working batteries.

2. If you have 32 white socks, 24 black socks, and 12 blue socks scattered across the floor in the dark, how many would you have to grab to ensure you have a matching pair?
Update: All 3 rewards for this have been given out!
Answer: Once you grab 4 you will definitely have 2 of the same colour.

BONUS RIDDLE (1 Winner) - Prize 10 Gold + 100Q7 Weapon's
I am a number but also an event
To their graves many I sent
On me many have died
But through me many more survived
I am remembered there is no debate
Although for some a few months late

What am I?
Update: This has been answered incredibly quickly! Congratulations Merovingiano!
Answer: 911
It is a number, but can also be 9/11 which is an event, on which people died, but calling 911 (in America) can save your life as well, it is remembered every year on the 11 of September, but in some places (Australia for starters) the date 9/11 is read as 9th of November because we have a date format of DD/MM/YYYY (eg, being a few months late).

Any 1 person can win only 1 Prize from each group and the Bonus Prize.

S.Q.U.A.D is always looking to recruit new active members so if you think this is a MU you want to be part of check out our opening article here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/s-q-u-a-d-the-military-unit-2499633/1/20
S.Q.U.A.D is also always open to international members that wish to fight for eAustralia's and it's friends interests.
Hail eAustralia o7
Hail Nebula o7
Hail Asteria o7

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