Returning to two places, New Zealand and Newz Making.

Day 2,061, 23:02 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by Enoughmercy

Alright, there's about nothing to report about in New Zealand any more about the wars, so we're moving onto a more darker side, Politics.

Well, the problem with our parties nowadays is that no one is joining parties, and therefore we are being ruled by a party name😛 "Ujedinjenje ili smrt"[sic]. They are Bosnian, their description roughly translates into this: All of us who have taken refuge with the madness of the political scene eSrbije and come to ladimo ... beer on the banks Zealand ... rd .. interested to join the Congress should contact the chairman of the party. I don't know what happens with the Bosnian language, but clearly we have something different within grammar. Their title however, is rather quite fitting in the English language, as it portrays politics perfectly: Unity or Death. Now, no mean to stray by racism here, but if we have to translate one of our local party's name and description, then why should they bother? Why can't they use a translator like we do, and instead have it in English? I surely wouldn't go up to Bosnian countries, and name my party in English. Please mind my criticism here, but it is true.

Now, I have quite a cool item for you guys. Paste this into your notepad, save it with any name but with the extension .bat (IMPORTANT).

It is a number guessing game, so title accordingly.

@echo off
color 0e
title Guessing Game by seJma
set /a guessnum=0
set /a answer=%RANDOM%
set variable1=surf33

echo Welcome to the Guessing Game!
echo Try and Guess my Number!
set /p guess=
if %guess% GTR %answer% ECHO Lower!
if %guess% LSS %answer% ECHO Higher!
if %guess%==%answer% GOTO EQUAL
set /a guessnum=%guessnum% +1
if %guess%==%variable1% ECHO Found the backdoor hey?, the answer is: %answer%
goto top
echo Congratulations, You guessed right!!!
echo It took you %guessnum% guesses.

Right, I'm off. See you all later.