Rain on the Just and the Unjust

Day 2,193, 00:19 Published in USA USA by Ronald Gipper Reagan

Dear Friends,

I wanted to write you all some words of encouragement, and to give a status update on where we are right now. I think it is first that we remember these sacred words, because they are indeed true. You and I know we stand for what is just and right, and like all people who have done so from the beginning of time, there are those who seek to persecute and destroy that light, but that light shines within us, and it must shine every brighter as things seem darker.

I have dealt with this for a long time. No leader or aspiring leader is perfect. God chose David despite all his flaws to lead the Kingdom of Israel. Like David, or any other, I have my flaws, as do we all, but what truly counts is what is in our hearts. We see people in the eWorld participating in actions which are designed simply to try to bully or harm others in some way. It is truly sad that this is what our society has sunk to.

I suppose it is to be expected though. Despite all the great leaps in technology, medicine, and civic rights, look what evils still exist in the world today. It is a world where the butchery of unborn children is masqueraded as "choice" and protected by the governments of nations which claim to stand for liberty and justice. It is a world where endangered species are poached to extinction and the Earth is treated with disrespect(and no, not talking about the giant scam of so-called man-made climate change). It is a world where people routinely committing evil acts, whether it be from the giant concentration camp of insanity known as North Korea which threatens our friends in the South as well as the United States itself, radical Islamists commit acts of terror and seek to exterminate once thriving Christian communities from entire regions , or just people who go out of their way to hurt others(far more than you'd think!). But despite all that evil there is still good, and those who wish to do it.

Those of us here, in the American Freedom Alliance or whatever other name we go by, and those who stand with us strive to do good. Having gotten to know many of you at length, I can say with confidence that there are a lot of benevolent people in our corner, both off-game and on-game. The issues we deal with in eRepublik may seem trivial by comparison, but there is still a principle to it. Let's look at the situation we are in.

For the past six months they have stolen our party, but each time we get back up and rise again. Some of you were here in past years when the same thing happened. They don't want to play nice. They were absent that day in Kindergarten when they were supposed to learn how to share They want to use hatred, intimidation, and griefing tactics to try to get those who disagree with them to give up. We are not broken so easily. We believe that people have a right to be free. We have a right to be free from political persecution, excessive taxation, poor leadership forced upon us, harassment, and the good name of our country being dragged through the mud by the very people who are a part of that problem in real life too.

You can look at what my/our detractors will post in the comments below. You can read their hate-laced articles. You can look at the new citizen message which is proposed to target us. You can see how the rules they make only apply when it is convenient, like letting Benedict Pfeiffer back in. You know what, the bottom line is, there is good and there is evil. The way these people conduct themselves is downright evil. Even good people are flawed, make mistakes, and try to atone for them, then there are those who direct much of their energy in a negative light towards others with malevolent intent.

In the end, as the good book says, the sun rises on the evil and the good, and rains on the righteous and the unrighteous.