Pu Yi's eBlog Issue #1 - eGenesis

Day 2,881, 19:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Henry Pu Yi
I'm going to start by giving you all a short introduction of my eSelf.

I go by the name of Henry Pu Yi, or Pu Yi, or Pu.. Poo.. Po or even just P. I'm named after the last emperor and final ruler of the Qing dynasty of imperial China (irl) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puyi
In real life, my name is Damien, i'm 27 and currently studying first year sound production. I live at home with my girlfriend, I play drums, go camping, I have a pet rat and love ginger beer and lucky charms. I am pro-indy, voted Yes/SNP and continue to fight the British establishment until I'm satisfied. (Ironically, as an eCitizen I have the opposite views.. what can you do eh?)

Hello and welcome to my eBlog, I'm going to be posting my experiences on here
(almost) everyday so it gives people something to read and er dunno .. maybe learn something.

