Pride in eAustralia's Future

Day 2,111, 14:37 Published in Australia Australia by Lord TJ

Good morning

On Day 898 I joined eRepublik and eAustralia. Today is Day 2,111

It has taken 1,213 days or just over 3 years and 3 months to see an announcement from a Government that represented a piece of the work I have fought for so long to see achieved. Today was that day.

Prime Minister Flatty
has announced the most sweeping reforms to eAustralia's military funding since the country was founded. The ADF saga that has engulfed us all - from Executive to Senate - ADF vs Unit - citizen against citizen - is finally at an end. This was akin to a civil war that saw to the end of a number of e-political careers in both branches of government and entrenched the country in its own bloody battle that took attention away from the game that mattered most of all.

Today we celebrate - not as parties or as vested interests - but as holders of a title that trumps all else - that of an eAustralian citizen.

It is fair to say, as the Prime Minister has, that this wasn't an act of heroism or something that was done off the fly. It wasn't glamourous, nor was it easy. It was the culmination of dialogue and deep economic reasoning that brought to the forefront our greatest challenge.

From time to time other leaders of eras past have attempted the same, but as the challenge grew, the human resolve was weakened. I have known the Prime Minister since I joined the game. In recent times we have erased what was in the past and become quite close (not as close as Hugh and CyberCasper .. but still). Out of anyone who I have met in the game, I never imagined Flatty was a person that I could I say "I will follow".

Many will think this statement bizarre, perhaps cringe. Perhaps this demonstrates the new thinking that is spreading across the country - hope for who we are and where we want to go.

I was 'on the inside' during these discussions and I can testify to the character of the Government's decision making. We were mindful of a burdened military, the need to grow new players, the demands on the country in times of heavy engagement with the enemy and the necessity and pride we have in our military.

Indeed - it is a fighting force that has continually defied everything the New World over has thought of us. Many times have we shocked and amazed what a country in it's high 30s early 40s ranking can accomplish .. up against the might of giants. It is a tradition we celebrate today.

Our opponents will argue the decision is an abandonment. Indeed, I have felt that opposition within my own party. When all is said and done, however, I know most eAustralians understand and agree what we are up against.

Financially, our country, given its relative size, population, resource availability and strength was limited through early decisions made by Plato. Additionally, we have endured the burden from further game reform on Gold Trading and Organisation capabilities - but the threat from border mechanics still remained.

The Prime Minister said it best - we don't have the money or the capability to raise the funds to continue to fully fund a D1-4 military unit. Furthermore, it is inefficient in new game mechanics to operate a government military unit given the circumstances of our own country, up against military units that are far more efficient in player enlistment, strength growth and support. It is not efficient, nor is it fair.

Some will say it will give reason for graduated D2 players to go offshore. What our opponents won't tell you is that happens already - in great number. Every dollar spent is an investment. Prior to today, the guaranteed loss was only a minimum. As of now, if folks leave, the financial damage overall for the investment loss will have a hard ceiling.

The D3-D4 transition that often sees players leave will no longer be a loss to the country - and it will be a decision that players make of their own accord. Only now, there is increased confidence in the support offered by the country's private military system to grow our players and keep them 100% eAustralian.

I wanted to take this opportunity to show my support for the Prime Minister's decision and explain, particularly for our newer players, the reasons not just why - but how the decision was reached. That way, come what may, you will know that we had nothing more than the best intentions of the country, however painful in the interim, at heart.

Any effect will only be temporary. For the first time ever we have an actual plan to secure the long term arrangements of supply for D1 and 2 - and a vote of confidence in our militias that give so much, for so little reward.

Thank you

Mick Gatto

Disclaimer: This is personal opinion and not representing the KHMC