Political Hotspot

Day 2,928, 12:10 Published in United Kingdom Canada by JQXZ

Welcome to the thirty-fifth edition of Political Hotspot.

ESO won the Congress election, coming top in number of votes, and tying with TUP for seats, with both parties getting nine seats. UKRP and TUP tied for votes, however, UKRP got only eight seats. It is also necessary to bear in mind that two of the winning ESO candidates are WRP candidates running under the ESO banner by arrangement. This means that in reality ESO will have seven seats and WRP two. It is likely, however, that ESO would not have topped the election had it not been for WRP voters.

UKPP has fallen to third place in the party rankings, and has managed to match this fall with a poor performance in the Congress elections, winning just six seats, less than BDP, despite having eight more members than that party.

God Save King Woldy!

The next edition of Political Hotspot will be published on Sunday the 6th of December.