Political Climate/Foreign Policy

Day 2,198, 13:53 Published in Czech Republic United Kingdom by Rathena Gelc

Congress elections were held in eCzechia yesterday and the results are as follows:

Czech Right Union - 42,65%, 13 seats

Narodni Garda - 33,82%, 10 seats

Svobodne Cesko - 23,53%, 7 seats

Election results were surprising for me, since I expected at least 47% for CRU.
My predictions were:
CRU 49%
NG 30%
SC 21%

It seems people were more confident in other parties. This result is a political win for the CRU, but many (including myself) expected CRU to get a majority in the Parliament. Since only 68 people voted, single votes made a big difference. CRU is just short of a majority there, 3 seats to one. Even though it might seem no party has a total majority and they will have to compensate on some agreements, that hypothesis is completely incorrect.

If you look at our parties' list, you can see that we have 3 parties. That seems like the political situation in RL UK. UK has 3 parties that dominate the country's politics: Labour, Conservative and LibDems. All of them are, however, center-right or right, with Labour being the most left party of the big 3, but still, in reality, center-right.

We have a similar situation here in eCzechia. Here, we have CRU, NG and SC. CRU usually gets the most votes which is natural since they have most members (I am one! 😁 and they helped eCzechia get rid of Communists long time ago. These are key variables to CRU's success. Two other parties exist, that being Narodni Garda and Svobodne Cesko.

The thing that bores me about eCzech politics is that these 3 are very, VERY similar parties. All are rightist and have very similar policies. I don't think being rightist is bad. Hell, I am member of a center-right party, that being CRU. But what worries me is that eCzechia is slowly approaching a moment in time when these 3 parties are going to blend into one. That is evident as the parties haven't got a lot of things to argue about, since their policies are so similar.

Differences exist, example being the Narodni Garda's authoritative policy as opposed to the other two parties' liberal policies. Now, don't get me wrong. I am not saying we should ban two parties so there is only one, nor would I encourage it. I just want to see a diverse political climate in eCzechia so we hear, perhaps, some leftist opinions too. Our political climate seems too monogamous, at least for me. I think there are at least 10 citizens who are center-leftist or leftist.

We should hear opinions from a different perspective, because us, members of the 3 rightist parties, also make mistakes, maybe more than we thought we did. I would love to see a new, different party opening, because it would not only make political race funnier, but we would also hear opinions from different parties.

Wow, I wrote lots of things, but there is just one thing I would like to talk about in this number. Foreign policy. As you do (or don't) know, good, lobbyist-like diplomacy is key for a country's success. With a competitive foreign policy we can make a greater influence on other enations and expand our communications. I appreciate the work our MoFA is doing, and I think he is doing a very good job. But to make us better, I suggest making embassies in the nations most important to us. That way, ambassadors will have a chance to talk to the big political beasts of that nation and also represent us in the eWorld, as I think a big majority of players think of us as a small, unimportant enation.

Many people won't agree with me on the next thing, but that's why we are here. To discuss 😃 I strongly support working with other nations and creating thriving to creat a new alliance which would be a counterpart, but also work with TWO. We mustn't be a sheep waiting to get rimmed and killed. We must be the big ram which will pick the sheep he likes, and put the seeds of prosperity in them.

I noticed almost everyone don't mention a situation where we would be a regional power, and where we would conquer others. They are stuck in past. I think that the view and constant fear of us being occupied is keeping us back. Yes, we just got our regions back, but we should and must always thrive for a better tommorow!
I won't hide it: I want us to conquer others in near future because I think we deserve it. Czechs have always been proud people, and we should manifest that here too. I want us to make this e-country proud, to take resources and come back home with head held high, knowing we done a great job. That's why our Governer should act accordingly and we should start donating. For our nation.
Many won't agree, I'm sure, but please comment! 😃

Yours truly,
Future eCzech President 😛