Political changes

Day 1,901, 10:21 Published in Belgium Austria by Kaad

Hello everyone!

Withraw from CP

I annouced that I was candidate for February CP as I didn't saw any good candidates for me. But As Tony and Kylero are interested I will withraw. Maybe they are not better candidates but they they have much more experience

My support

I had to do a hard choice about the one I'm gona support. As everyone knows what appeared in eSwitzerland, we need a strong leader that will fight against PTO and multies, someone openned and active. It is a terible choice for me chosing between the two candidates, but as none of them made a presentation, so I've not decided yet.

We need to stay united as HOPE as one candidate and they are in a great position and it won't be a surprise.

My future in the eWorld

However, this month will be my last in eBelgium. I will come back, but I want first visit different communities. I'm gona walk around CoT countries, share and earn experience.
I have been contacted by some candidates to propose me a minster that I have of course accepted. I always served well my country and I will keep this working.

BMP Referendum

We are in eRepublik, and it's time for the party to be not stupid anymore. Monarchy in this game is not suitable, and I want to change the party name and principal orientation. However, we will remain a moderated right party.

That's it! Vote well in 2 days for eBelgium future!

Kaad, president of the BMP, vice-commander of BTA, ambassador in eFrance, vMoFA for January.