Plato vs. Neo......(ponatis)

Day 2,101, 05:26 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by Dunci

Plato vs. Neo

Večina vas ve, da imava z Ap4rTheAdom 16-mesečnega sina, ne veste pa, da je bil rojen z deformacijo desnega stopala. Pri deformaciji, ki se imenuje ekvinovarus, je stopalo v gležnju zasukano navznoter in ga ni mogoče spraviti v normalen položaj. Zdravljenje po metodi, poimenovani po ameriškem ortopedu Ponsetiju, je k sreči zelo uspešno, otroku že nekaj dni po rojstvu zamavčijo nogico, nakar z mavci, ki se menjajo tedensko, v dveh do treh mesecih stopalo počasi spravijo v normalen položaj. Večinoma sledi še petminutna operacija Ahilove tetive, nakar otrok dobi posebne čeveljčke, ki se pritrdijo na opornico in s tem držijo stopalo v pravilnem položaju ter preprečujejo povratek deformacije. Čeveljčke in opornico malčki prve tri mesece po zaključku mavčenja nosijo 23 ur na dan, nakar samo še med spanjem do tretjega ali četrtega leta starosti. Čeprav ta ortopedski pripomoček izgleda kot mučilna priprava, se otroci zelo hitro navadijo nanj in jih ne moti. Najin mali razbojnik je shodil že pri 11 mesecih in nima nobenih težav, desno stopalo je na pogled identično levemu, zdravemu, in popolnoma funkcionalno.

Mame otrok z ekvinovarusom smo začele komunicirati preko nekega foruma, nakar nas je sedem najbolj podjetnih šlo v akcijo, ustanovile smo Facebook skupino, ki ima že preko 80 članov, oblikovale smo izredno informativno spletno stran, poleg tega smo v sodelovanju z ZZZS dosegle, da je ortopedska klinika začela staršem kriti stroške za nakup čevljev in opornice (k slednjemu so sicer zavezani s predpisi, vendar so pred starši to mirno zamolčali). Stroški niso majhni, midva sva do danes za to porabila že skoraj 1000 €. Z medsebojno izmenjavo izkušenj smo v FB skupini žal prišle do ugotovitve, da so naši otroški ortopedi precej slabi, ne sledijo novostim in pri zdravljenju pogosto delajo napake, nekateri se celo lotevajo postopkov, ki jih sploh ne obvladajo.
Zakaj vam to pripovedujem? Ena naših najbolj pridnih in aktivnih mamic ima sina, ime mu je Neo, ki mu je naš najbolj hvaljeni ortoped čisto zašuštral nogo. Ko je imela vsega skupaj dovolj, je otroka odpeljala na Dunaj, k mednarodno priznanemu ortopedu, kjer je izvedela, da je bilo v Ljubljani pri zdravljenju narejenih veliko napak; med drugim so fantku pri (neuspešni) operaciji odkrhnili košček petne kosti, zaradi česar ima Neo bolečine in šepa. Na Dunaju mu bodo brez posebnih problemov spravili stopalo v red, vendar zdravljenje seveda ni zastonj. Mamica se nikakor ni želela izpostavljati v javnosti in je skušala sama zbrati dobrih 8000 €, vendar je morala priznati poraz. Preko FB smo začele zbirati donacije, sama sem prispevala 100 € in bom verjetno še kaj, ob tem pa sem se spomnila na našo skupnost. Marsikdo v igro vlaga denar, tudi jaz občasno odrinem v ta namen 10 €. Kaj pravite na to, da bi ta mesec kupili kak gold manj in namesto tega namenili nekaj evrov za Neovo operacijo? S tem ne boste razveselili le mene in mamice Maje, temveč boste v prvi vrsti omogočili prisrčnemu fantku, da bo spet lahko hodil brez problemov. Prepričana sem, da eSlovenci tokrat lahko brez težav stopimo skupaj in naredimo nekaj dobrega.

Stran za donacije, kjer je tudi opisano Neovo zdravljenje

Lepo prosim za vote izključno iz razloga, da bo članek videlo in prebralo čim več ljudi.

Hvala za pozornost!


My husband Ap4rTheAd started playing eRepublik a year ago and I joined him in this virtual world a couple of months later. We live in Slovenia and have a 16-month old son who was born with deformed right foot. The deformation is commonly know as clubfoot and the affected foot looks like it has been rotated internally at the ankle. The medical treatment method, known as the Ponseti Method, is very succesful in correcting clubfeet using non- or minimal-surgical techniques. Typical clubfoot cases usually require up to eights casts over eight weeks, most infants also require a very minor operation of Achilles tendon performed toward the end of the serial casting. After correction has been achieved, infants start wearing special shoes, attached to a splint to prevent a relapse. After three months the wearing of shoes and splint is reduced to nighttime only for up to four years. Although the shoes and splint look like a torturing device, most children don’t have any problems with them. Our little rascal started walking when he was only 11 months old and so far his foot has been fine, it looks and functions completely normal.
I met a couple of moms with clubfoot babies via some forum and seven of us started to take action. We created a Facebook group which has a lot of members, we created a very informative web page for parents (it's in Slovenian but if you just browse and look at the pictures you'll see how clubfoot and its treatment look like) and I mustn’t forget our greatest victory – health insurance started refunding the high costs of shoes and splints based on our appeal. Up to now Ap4rTheAd and I spent almost 1000 € for shoes and splints, so you can imagine the refund was more than welcome. In the Facebook group parents exchange our experiences and sadly we’ve come to the conclusion that our orthopedic doctors are not very good, they make a lot of mistakes during the treatment and some of them even perform procedures they don’t have any experience with.
Why am I sharing all of this with you? One of our most dedicated mommies has a son named Neo. Our most acclaimed orthopedic surgeon completely and utterly failed in treatment of Neo’s clubfoot. Neo’s mom got desperate and she took the little boy to Vienna, Austria, where an internationally acclaimed orthopedic surgeon examined his foot. His conclusion was that a lot of mistakes were made during treatment in Slovenia; among other things the heel bone was fractured during an unsuccessful operation and walking is quite painful for Neo as the result. He’ll be treated in Vienna from now on and he’s going to be fine but unfortunately the treatment abroad is not covered by our insurance. Neo’s mom didn’t want any help with raising the needed 8000 € but she simply couldn’t do it herself. We started asking for donations via Facebook, I donated 100 € and then I’ve thought of eRepublik. Many players invest money in the game, even I do occasionally. What do you say, would you be willing to buy less gold this month and donate a little something for Neo’s treatment? Several members of eSlovenian community already decided to do so. Let’s do something good and help the adorable little boy so he’ll be able to walk without problems again.

Link for PayPal donations When on page, click the yellow circle. There’s also the story of Neo’s treatment which you can GoogleTranslate.

This is not a scam, I know Neo’s family personally and several highly visible eSlovenian players can vouch for me (0rinda, Ice Killa, KrMa, Colonel Bruce, ebutaljib, Dunci ...).

Please vote and shout, so as many people as possible will read this.

Thank you for your attention!