(EN/ES) Peru-Australia Relations - present, past and future

Day 2,752, 01:33 Published in Australia Canada by Ilene Dover

The past week has seen some significant developments in Australia’s relationships with Peru. I will try to dissect what has happened and the broader implications for eAustralia’s future relations. This is new territory for me, so please be patient.

A translated Spanish language version of the article has been added, for our Peruvian brothers.

The Turkish airstrike on Queensland

Context and background

As we all know, Turkey launched an airstrike against Australia late last week. To understand why they did we need to look at the broader global realpolitik.

Firstly, Turkey and Chile are longstanding allies. Going way back to a now-defunct alliance by the name of Aurora. Chile has, in the past month or two, been defeated by a South American power-bloc. Their core regions are occupied, with considerable effort.

So what the hell does this have to do with Australia? Like in real estate it is all about location, location, location.

Taking the east coast of Australia would allow Turkey to pass through (in no particular order) New Zealand, then Peru and onto Chile’s occupied regions. Once Turkey had taken Chile’s core regions, it would be a relatively simple matter for Chile to start resistance wars and Turkey to not fight against them. Then presto! Chile rises from the ashes!

Another second possibility considered at the time be for Turkey to take Western Australia, and resume their long-running feud with South Africa. An attack to take the northern parts of Australia, moving into Indonesia and freeing the USA from occupation duties was also considered. Or maybe they wanted to occupy New Zealand??

Nobody said that international realpolitik has to make sense…

No plan survives contact with the enemy

The Turkish plan, whatever it was, did not succeed. Why? The answer is in three parts.

Firstly, we put up a stout resistance in Queensland. It took some degree of effort for the Turks (who are orders of magnitude more powerful than us). This did not come without the blood, sweat and tears of many.

To all of you who fought against the airstrike, thank you. Your actions have helped keep us on the map for awhile longer yet.

We must not forget that the biggest guns in this game are not free. Combat Orders (COs, if you prefer) were set against Turkey. The largest amount by far came from our comrades across the Pacific, Peru. Peru singlehandedly spent somewhere around 630k CC on Combat Orders on our behalf. So next time you see a Peruvian slap him or her on the back, shake their hand, give them a hug, or find some other way of thanking them. And buy them some proper Australian beer!

Secondly, the Turkish empire rose up in rebellion. Turkey is a nation that has occupied other country’s regions for their own benefit. The remaining parts of those nations launched resistance wars. This was partly opportunism on their part, and partly because we have friends around the world. Nations like Georgia, Pakistan and Iran rose to fight their landlords. There were up to four battles raging against Turkey at one point - too many for Turkey to hope to win them all. Our friends and allies forced Turkey to choose between their own country and the interests of their allies.

Thirdly, it seems like the Chileans had a change of heart. The screenshots below have been borrowed without permission or apology from Sergio Cuadro’s excellent newspaper. They were taken during Georgia’s eventually successful resistance war.

Spotted hitting for Georgia: Chileans Conkeror69, Medici, Lob and former dictator and Bolivian tank Hannibal68

Also spotted fighting against their ally: Dague is Near and Trico (currently Venezualan Dictator)

And some more: Pianfar, Lob and P.S. Sophie

And the last one of Chile hitting for Georgia, I promise: AFPF, P.S. Sophie. We can also see Vegeta fighting against his countrymen… Confused much?

No doubt Turkey saw the writing on the wall, and withdrew. The final battle involving us, in Victoria, was a non-event.

What next?

You may remember, way back in Rusty’s final term, that Australia agreed to rent Queensland (sand resource) and the Northern Territory (fruit resource) to Peru for 18k CC a month plus our tax revenue returned.

The past month, during Henry’s term, this agreement has been revised. The rent is now 25k CC a month, plus our tax revenue returned. There is in-principle agreement between Australia and Peru on the deal.

Final details are being sorted out this week. Things like the return of a region if we need it for Congress elections, and how Peru’s extensive stack of MPPs will interact with our FA and our allies.

A new article will be published shortly with the final agreement text. In the meantime, borders will remain as they are. When the always shifting MPP stacks allow, which should be soon, Peru will take the Northern Territory and release New South Wales. Please do not launch resistance wars until you are asked to.

As a token thank you present for their loyalty and generosity towards us, the current eAustralian government is allowing Peru to hold Queensland and NSW rent-free until the end of the month.

Please, join me in thanking our brothers from across the Pacific! Your help is always welcome and always appreciated.

Aunque he intentado mantener fiel a la intencion del articulo original, pido perdon por todos los errores debido a mi falta de tiempo y capacidad. No se disculpara por la insistencia de Ilene sobre el uso de muchas palabras e idiomatico ingles--esos no son mi culpa. : D


La semana pasado ha viste desarrollo significativo en relaciones entre Australia y Peru. Voy a tratar a analizar lo que ocurrido y las implicaciones mas amplias para las futuras relaciones. Es una tema nueva por mi; por eso, su paciencia, por favor.

AS de Turquia a Queensland

Contexto y antecedentes

Como todos sabemos, Turquia lanzo un AS contra eAustralia durante la semana pasada. Para entender por que, necesitamos mirar realpolitik global mas amplio.

Primero, Turkey y Chile son aliados de hace mucho tiempo. Va de regreso a una alianza ahora-difunto por el nombre de Sirius.

Chile, en el mes pasado o dos, ha sido derrotado por un bloque del poder sudamericano. Sus regiones principales son ocupadas, con gran esfuerzo.

Asi que, que tiene que ver esto con la de Australia? Al igual que en los bienes raices, es todo acerca de la ubicacion, ubicacion, ubicacion.

En la costa oriental de Australia seria permitir que Turquia pasar por (sin ningun orden en particular) Nueva Zelanda, Peru, y las regiones ocupadas de Chile. Si Turquia habia tomado las regiones del centro de Chile, seria una problema relativamente facil para Chile para iniciar RW, y Turquia no lucha contra ellos. A continuacion, mira! Chile se levanta de las cenizas.

Una segunda posibilidad considerada era Turquia quiere tomar Australia al oeste y continuar con su larga enemistad con Sudafrica. Tambien era considerado un ataque a la parte norte de Australia, entrando en Indonesia y se liberando de los Estados Unidos. O tal vez querian ocupar a Nueva Zelanda??

Nadie ha dicho que la realpolitik internacional tiene que tener sentido...

Ningun plan de batalla sobrevive al contacto con el enemigo.

El plan Turco, cualquiera sea el caracter de esta, no ha realizado correctamente. Por que? La respuesta esta en tres partes.

En primer lugar, hemos puesto una fuerte resistencia en Queensland. Tomo un cierto grado de esfuerzo de los Turcos (que son ordenes de magnitud mas poderosos que Australia). Esto no ha sido sin la sangre y el sudor de muchos.

A todos ustedes que lucharon contra el AS, gracias. Sus acciones han ayudado a guardarnos en el mapa para un rato mas largo tiempo.

No debemos olvidar que las armas mas grandes en este juego no siempre son libres. Los CO fueron establecidos contra Turquia. La cantidad mas grande sin duda vino de nuestros companeros a traves del Oceano Pacifico, Peru.

Peru gasto aproximamente 630k cc en CO, en nombre de Australia. Entonces la proxima vez que veas a un Peruano, estrechar el mano, darles un abrazo, o encontrar alguna otra manera de agradecerles. Y comprelos una buena cerveza Australiana!

En segundo lugar, el imperio turco se levantaron en rebelion. Turquia ha ocupado otras paises en beneficia Turquia. Esas naciones lanzado RW. Esto se debio en parte oportunismo, y en parte porque tenemos amigos en todo el mundo.

Naciones como Georgia, Pakistan, y Iran se levantaron para luchar contra sus propietarios. Habia hasta cuatro RW contra Turquia en algun momento - Turquia no podia esperar para ganar a todos. Nuestros amigos y aliados obligaron a Turquia a elegir entre su pais y los intereses de sus aliados.

En tercer lugar, parece que los chilenos cambiaron sus plan. Las imagenes debajo han sido prestadas del periodico excelente de Sergio Cuadrao. Fueron tomadas durante el RW que Georgia finalmente gano.

Visto luchando por Georgia: Chilenos Conkeror69, Medici, Lob, y Hannibal68—tanque y ex-dictador Boliviano.

Tambien visto luchando contra sus aliados: Dague is near y Trico (el dictador de Venezuela).

Y algunas mas: Pianfar, Lob, y P.S. Sophie.

Y el ultimo, lo prometo-- de Chilenos luchando por Georgia: AFPF, P.S. Sophie. Tambien podemos ver Vegeta lucha contra sus compatriotas... Mucha confusion?

Sin duda, Turquia vio la escritura en la pared [espero que es un dicho en Espanol tambien?!] : ) y se retiro La batalla final en Victoria no fue un evento.

Que sigue?

Tal vez recordaran del ultimo termino de CP de Rusty D que Australia acordaron alquilar Queensland (recurso arena) y Northern Territory (recurso fruta) a Peru para 18k cc al mes, ademas de nuestros impuestos devueltos.

El mes pasado, durante el mandato de Henry the 8th, este acuerdo ha sido revisada [si, otra vez, pobre traductor!]. Aunque existe un acuerdo basico sobre las condiciones, detalles finales estan siendo aclaro esta semana… Cosas como el retorno de las regiones si Australia las necesita, y como la pila extensa de MPP’s de Peru se relacionara con nuestros aliados y relaciones exteriors.

Otro articulo se publicara pronto con el acuerdo final. Entretanto, las fronteras siguen siendo como estan. Cuando el MPP permite, que debe ser pronto, Peru tomara el Northern Territory y soltera de New South Wales. Por favor no se inician RW a menos aconsejado.

Como una pequena senal de agradecimiento por la lealtad y generosidad del Peru, el gobierno eAustraliano no cobrara el alquiler hasta el proximo mes.

Por favor, unanse Australia, en agradecer a nuestros hermanos a traves del Pacífico! Sus ayuda es siempre bienvenida y siempre agradeciada.