personal updates

Day 2,407, 08:08 Published in Ireland Ireland by Cry of Banshee

hi all, here some news about present and future in my articles :

1/ before all, i accepted trico's invitation to the MU : LEGION FUNA.

Indeed the world cup tournament is coming and Chile is a good irish friend of AURORA. i'll do my best to represent ireland here and develop the good relationship within our two nations.

hail aurora !

2/ the left hand of ireland is searching more motivated anarchists to bring some military power in the gorvernement !

this is THE party with the strongest true patriots of Ireland, join us and bring some revolt ! 😁

3/ after a good krakken's meal, i am going to savor skewers Wolf in the arena of gladiators, yumii o/

This tournament is a very good idea and push me to return on the battlefield, thank you to the MOC.

4/ for the ambassador program, i will post this week an interview with gigilatrik (, former french CP and actual MoFa.

5/ always for the ambassador program, Trico the famous (, will be interviewed too 🙂

that's all folks, be proud and have fun Ireland.