Patriotism of the eUK

Day 1,619, 17:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Robert V

Hi, I'm Sir Robert Ede the Fifth. This is my first article, and it is
about PATRIOTISM! Patriotism for you own country! The will to fight
and die for one's country!

Never giving up for your country and having unquestionable pride for your

But is giving up your own soil and land considered patriotic? Is letting
enemies take your homeland and keep it for themselves Patriotic? i think
not. If I'm right about that, then would that not make TUP un-patriotic? No way, our own major governing body; not patriotic?

That may be shocking to some of you, to others, this may not phase you,
and for the rest, it down right should sicken you. If our own governing
body is not patriotic, who's to say they won't give away your home?
Sure, you may think you are safe now, but what happens when they give up
your home without letting you fight? What about those who loved

What of your homes there? What of London and all of Lower England?

What's next? NO MORE LAND is what's next if we don't stand up and take
acts of patriotism to congress. My vote? My vote would be looking for a
patriotic party like the UKPP. UKPP will fight for you, they WILL NOT
let our enemies take our land! They will, and have in the past - fought for

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