Part 2 of 2 | Talio Extremist gets an interview with Fedz PP Candidates!

Day 1,177, 20:05 Published in USA USA by Talio Extremist

Talio Extremist interviews P/H candidates for Federalist PP!
Part 2 of 2

First some election mood music

Hinder – All American Nightmare

I was given an opportunity to sit down separately and have a 1:1 candid interview with at least two of the top candidates (Soren Nelson & JDR1986) that are running for president in the Federalist Party. Unfortunately at the time of the interview, Jacksondr5 was unavailable to comment. However, I want to remind everyone that an IRC debate is scheduled for Thursday, February 9th at 1700 eRep time. Channel has not been announced yet so go to #Fedpartychat for more details.

I asked each candidate the same eleven questions below and here where their responses (please note that each thumbnail contains a link to the candidate’s official platform):

Q6: Easy Company has been both praised and criticized by past Party Presidents. What are your thoughts and plans related to the party endorsed militia?

A: I have no intention of disbanding or ignoring EZC. I will hold EZC and its leaders accountable for its success, however. And plan to see a lot more of EZC around.

A: Easy Company Militia as I have stated is the Party's biggest asset. I will be mentioning it in all of the R&R messages as well as all of our media articles. However day to day operations and functionality will be handled by EZC leadership. I would like to see weekly reports out of EZC and all other departments however to make sure everything is functioning and to be able to put any focus or resources needed to improve the programs.

Q7: What do you see is the role of Party President and how does a party fit within the overall scheme of the eUS political system?

A: The PP is the "visionary-in-chief". PP’s organize and co-ordinate the efforts of the party to attain a goal. It's the PPs job to interact with other parties, to react quickly and decisively to emergencies, to settle disputes, and to delegate jobs to his/her staff. It is NOT the PP's job to do everything. It's their job to set a goal, and see that it's met.

As for the latter part of the question; Parties are the lifeblood of eUS politics. We generate activity, prevent PTOs, and put people in congress. Parties ARE the eUS political system. And it's vital that the people at the top of the heap remember that.

A: The Party President is the face of the party. He is also the chief negotiator with other party's, the chief of staff of department directors, and the overseer of the congressional placements. A party fits into the eUS political system as a retention tool, a pto prevention task force, and a cog in which to keep the country running by providing congressmen and future leaders. Everything a party does affect the country and so I intend to make our country a better place as party president.

Q8: Briefly explain your past experience and how you feel it will help you perform PP duties if elected?

A: The most notable would be commanding EZC. I've participated in every department in some way or another (writing/editing articles, MMing, coordinating elections, etc) but EZC is what really kept me interested. EZC is a microcosm of the Feds in a way, in that when the Feds thrive, so does EZC. As the CO, I had to combat falling member count, and an ailing reputation. I learned to stay positive, to delegate, and to ask for help when I needed it (and to have fun, of course). More than anything though, I learned to surround myself with people I can depend on. I'll do the same as PP.

A: Well I have been playing this game 19 months. On a national scale I am a 4 time congressman and I was the chairman of IES. I understand the political system and the negative affects that immigration can cause if done incorrectly. On a party level I have filled every party position with the exception of party president. I have run most departments and know this party inside and out. I can place congressional candidates with my eyes closed and mass mail the party in a half hour. I have seen the party ran at it's best and I have learned the tools that keep it running. I am more than qualified to lead the party to greater success.

Q9: The Federalist party grew from a 6th party to top 5 party. However, in the recent past events we lost our number #2 spot to the Libertarians. What plans do you have to increase party recruitment and notoriety to reclaim or surpass party membership counts?
A: The libertarians climbed to #2 during that revolution thing (which was just silly) and there were a few reasons for that:

1. They saw an opportunity, and they jumped on it
2. They had a great presence in the media
3. And they have strong leadership. Iasov, CRoy, and Claire Littleton basically did all this single-handedly

They were able to do it because they had a goal, and aggressively pursued it. In my opinion, they did a lot of backstabbing and played dirty. I'm proud that the Feds didn't do that. We have to find a way to raise ourselves up without putting others down. Lead by example, don't get discouraged, and play fair.

A: I think a more positive public image will be the first step back to the top. We took some low blows and then we got kicked while we were down. I will be doing everything in my power to increase the public image of the Federalists and the interparty relations we have with other parties. Also, the R&R department as well as EZC will be essential in recruiting and retaining more active members so that we once again climb through the ranks.

Q10: Past older members have criticized that the party is lacking in direction or a strategic plan. What are your thoughts on this complaint and plans to remedy this perception?

A: They're right. It is as simple as that. The Feds lost their 'old guard' when FG and AH went inactive. We don't have people pursuing Fed goals high up in the eWorld. So, it's time to start a grassroots movement. We have a Fed platform if we follow that, we won't go astray. I say, lets shoot for #2. This is our sputnik moment, as Obama said in his state of the union. We can give up, or go into overdrive. I choose the latter.

A: We have fallen away from our original drive. Basically we got to the number two spot and got complacent. I will be working with leadership to once again set a solid political ideology in place. Once we have formed the ideology I will be working with our members to follow that direction in day to day life. I believe in a strong national government and that’s what the Federalists stand for. By strengthening our nation one leader at a time out of our party we will once again regain our drive.

Q11: What closing comments do you want to share that were not covered by the previous questions?

A: One sentence: Lead, follow, or get out of the way. Feds, if you want to help get us back to #2, do your part. But if you can't, have the humility to say so, and let someone else. We're Feds, for god’s sake. We've accomplished so much, and have so much more we can and WILL do. So let’s do it.

A: This Party has been my home for the majority of the game. I would just like to say thank you to everyone in this awesome party and wish the other candidates good luck.

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