Part 1 of 2 | Talio Extremist gets an interview with Fedz PP Candidates!

Day 1,177, 19:34 Published in USA USA by Talio Extremist

Talio Extremist interviews P/H candidates for Federalist PP!
Part 1 of 2

First some election mood music

Hinder – All American Nightmare

I was given an opportunity to sit down separately and have a 1:1 candid interviews with at least two of the top candidates (Soren Nelson & JDR1986) that are running for president in the Federalist Party. Unfortunately at the time of the interview, Jacksondr5 was unavailable to comment. However, I want to remind everyone that an IRC debate is scheduled for Thursday, February 9th at 1700 eRep time. Channel has not been announced yet so go to #Fedpartychat for more details.

I asked each candidate the same eleven questions below and here where their responses (please note that each thumbnail contains a link to the candidate’s official platform):

Q1: What do you see as the biggest challenge or areas of improvement within the Federalist Party and what plans do you have to improve or remedy them?

A: People like belonging to a group of like-minded people. They want a group that they can be involved in, and that will support them. Players also want opportunities to advance. Historically, Feds had the best communication and newbie support available in a party. I think we've lost some of that.

The people in leadership have been the same for months, and we've grown complacent. I would like to see a renewed commitment to assisting new players, and to keeping the game fun. To that end, I plan to push our leadership to either redouble their efforts, find new ways of building our party, or to step aside and let some fresh blood into leadership.

A: Well looking over our progress I have noticed several areas that we, as a party need to work on. My main focus this month will be on getting R&R running once again with a new director. I have one in mind but have yet to talk to him. We need new faces in leadership with new ideas and new drive. So this month I will be getting newer active players into the roles of assistants in our vital departments. his will help two fold, One it will allow us to always have someone trained to takeover a department, and two it will allow our new members to step up and be acknowledged. I also have plans to revamp the political department with a much more focused approach to interparty relations.

Q2: From your perspective, what are the greatest strengths within the Federalist Party and how will you plan to leverage them?

A: That's an easy one. Our members, especially those in leadership, are the most devoted players anywhere in erepublik. There are a lot of people who will be Feds till their dying day, and will never abandon the party. Those same people are the people who will rebuild us as a party. We have an *incredible* history, and we're proud of our accomplishments. We know what we're capable of, and we never quit. We have a great reputation as an organized, efficient party. All we need is a goal, and we'll find a way of achieving it.

A: Luckily we have two amazing strengths in the Federalist Party. The first is our membership. Our members are strong, determined, and active. I will use our current programs to make sure that every member has the opportunity to run for congress, write a paper, or run the country. Second we have EZC. Our militia is the best recruitment and retention tool we have. I will be working with EZC officers to get positive stories and publicity on our militia. It is time that the country knows that EZC is a great way for new players to get involved in battle and society.

Q3: In the recent past the Federalist Party has received negative press for being out of touch due to its lack of involvement within federal political affairs, its lack of presence on the eUSForum, and its criticism of the FEC. What are your plans to increase a more positive perception of the party and what are your thoughts on this issue?

A: Our problem seems to be that we have high standards. The eUS forums are, in my opinion, a cesspool of trolling and elitism to the maximum. Feds have very low tolerance for that. What needs to happen though is we need to lead by example, and stay above the mess instead of just avoiding it. The FEC is another animal altogether. To be completely candid, I know little about its creation. However, having said that, I believe the FEC should operate as an agreement between the top 5 parties to be able to assist in ATO and blocking efforts, should they not be able to fill the spaces. I look forward to hashing that out with the other PPs.

As for "a more positive perception"...People make fun of others because they themselves are insecure. The Feds haven't changed - the political environment has. I think the Feds present themselves well, and that as long as we hold to that standard with consistency, we'll be fine.

A: While the criticism was true to a point most of it was overly harsh. I have been on the eUS Forums and I can admit at times if you aren't part of the in crowd or a member of congress it gets boring fast. First of all I would like to see all of our members get involved on a national scale. Whether they take part in the executive branch or congress or even make a presence known on the forums or in a paper we need to get more to get more involved. I personally as Party President will release an article on the Federalists in a positive light once a week and will be asking media to increase articles to at least 3 times per week doing the same. I will also be putting more fun into the game with increased contests and games.

Q4: Turn out during past and present party elections has been typically low drawing criticism that only a few dictate the direction and policy of the party. What plans do you have to increase member participation in party affairs?

A: Three letters: FOP. Communication is key, and Feds will see a lot more of it in the coming month, should I be elected.

A: The FOP is a great department and I love that we have such a great area for new players to get involved. Sadly however the FOP messages have been being discarded as spam. We will reach out to our members in a number of ways in the following month. We will have increased media presence, more interesting FOP dispatches including forum treasure hunts, and updated IRC topics reflecting what is going on.

Q5: Retention of new members has always been an area of improvement for all political parties and the eUS as a whole. What tools, ideas, and programs will you institute to get new members more involved?

A: We have myriad tools at our disposal (EZC, FOP, and the Media department just to name a few). I would like to see EZC become one of our primary retention tools, and to be as involved with the Feds as possible. And as I've said before, people like to feel a sense of belonging and connection. I'm going to use the FOP to inform people, and draw them to the forums and IRC, which is really where all the magic happens. I would also like to see more party positions available to new people (assistants, co-directors, etc). If we give people something to do, and give positive feedback when they do it well, they'll stick around.

A: First of all Recruitment to EZC and the party will be my biggest focus this month. Once people get more involved in the actual social aspect of the game they become more involved and like the game much more. The militias and military is the country's most effective R&R tool. I will be heavily publicizing both. Also once in the party a lot of new players want fun jobs. As new players enter the party I will give them a job based on what they want to accomplish in the game. If they want to focus on media and military i will hook them up with our media department and ezc if they want to run for congress or president i will get them set up with the fop and political. The more we get members involved the more willing they will be to stay with the party and the game.

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