Overproduction Solution!

Day 1,233, 03:08 Published in USA USA by Silent Woe

Production Penalties.
I know this wont sit well with some, but with growing overproduction, and currency value dropping
the world over.

Basicly this
Change Citizenship bonus to a lack of citizenship Penalty
change Resource Bonus to a lack of Resource Penalty

For Example.

GM employs a new worker who hasn't recieved citizenship
that worker has -25% penalty
same employer has a worker who is a citizen that citizens productivity has no penalty so its 0%

say for instance we combine all the penalties and used the free work booster.
companies would drop to 60% production with that employee and the lack of resources even with the free booster

with all the required resources and citizenship, and free boster and worker would have 110% production or just 10% above 100% productivity

Basicly everyone i'm trying to explain this too, if we change the lack of citizenship, or the lack of resources into a penalty, we can about 50% production from free booster using employees.
or nearly 1/3rd

This would massivily lower the amount of overproduction, possibly change the value of our currencies for the better.
the down side is our workskill progess would go down as well, however to counter that.
we can increase the amount of work skill gain we already make by working as GM's in companies we buy!

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