One slip since 45.

Day 1,470, 17:54 Published in Canada Australia by Septimius Maximinus

Everybody remembers 1945. one of the best years for many people and the worst for some also.

Very good things happened that year such as,

Soviet union invades berlin and defeats nazi Germany,
Japan Surrenders after USA drops a very deadly bomb on 2 citys,
and Fascism drops from all countries except spain ( untill 1970's)

Every one is happy that the evil National Socialism (NAZI aka Fascism) was gone forever and believe me i am happy too, but one nation slipped by....

Every month i just look around to see who one presidential elections, and what political party they belonged too, and then i came by this

The winner party is here

And their description translates to this

Iranian National Socialist Front, on the socialist economy, diplomacy and militarist nationalism is the Persian nightingale .....

As you can see the country is IRAN...... im not saying anything bad but one National socialist country will lead to another and that worries me for the sake of the people, because if you can remember how many Hitler killed?

Now i know some one is going to say well Stalin blah blah blah well to bad for you because i am not a Stalinist!