Now What?

Day 2,108, 11:40 Published in Canada Spain by Folphjorg

Hey eCanada,

Lands are free to roam and we take back another region with each RW. I guess we have new neighbours that occupy our basement but I guess I could live with that. So now that we are free what is in our future? Congress is finally back and i'd like to make a late congratulations to our newly minted 10 congress members. Flawed game mechanics be flawed.

I guess the wonderful political infighting has once again started, lot's of old eCanadians are flooding back into the system such as Rylde and Sir Kanye West.

I have nothing to write about congress since I wasn't able to make it so I guess I have to ask YOU the readers to possibly give me the next topic 😃

Possibly a weekly thing where I take a readers topic and I give my opinion in a whole article?

Who knows?

But that's just a nub's opinion,

I'm Hazmat and your welcome.