NL future ?

Day 2,419, 13:32 Published in Netherlands Croatia by Lord Jale


This is not a job for one player ( CP / minister ), it is job for all community! If we all gave our best we have chance to success.
One former CP and great player lost hope that we can do this. He told me that last 25 CPs tried and that we did not had results.
My opinion is that we can do this. But we all need to participate ( CP can only organize us but it depends of us will it success or not ).

I also want to note that this is not a plan that can be done in the next 2 days!
We will be lucky if we work hard and prepare all so we can first time try in next 30-40 days.

Now, how do I see this problem ?
The problem is how to attract, retain and learn new players!
It will give us one of strongest country influence at lower divisions, multiple state tax income, and more fun in our community.

Now all is history, now we should look for respect between each other. We are not community of e-bullies because we listen everyone's suggestions, and bring decisions as family.

My future plans are not related to fighting or foreign policy, I would like to give my contribution in building strong NL community.

And that is possible to accomplished if we unite and accept future players as our e-children. My plan is to write one letter of regulation. After we would post this letter at various NL forums or facebook pages. Of course it should be synchronized, and that means we should post that letter at same time so we can welcome new players. My thought is that in beginning we form one team of players who will introduce new players to community.

It is complicated job because young players can send only one personal message per 10 or 20 minutes. We should find and develop effective way of communication, at this time I think perhaps to first invite them in military unit and then communicate through MU chat window.

At bottom of letter everyone of us would be able to post his personal link like : ˝˝ and that way new players could be tracked as well. My sugestion would be to help them with 10% their gold rewards we collect.

After if they continue playing we would collect much more free gold. Maybe we would be able to establish a foundation for younger players with donations of players which want to help new players in future with gold they will receive for invited players earlier.

Even if ˝first job˝ success it would bring us 100/200 or 500 new players so we must repeat again ( after month or two ) and correct mistakes we noticed from last ˝job˝.

For me this game is interesting and I am sure many new players would be delighted as I am. We should not speak about the disagreement of mud throwing in front of new player. We should forget it for community future prosperity.

For now our plan movements would be :

1. Collect all possible places where our players can post recruitment article and gain success. ( We should find one player which will lead this project. After we should send him links where we will post recruitment article, so he can record all informations. After we will ask new players where we can post it and gain success. So next time we will post it at new forums, pages.. and after half year we can repost at same spot. )

2. Establish a committee of as many members as possible. That committee would be active all day when recruitment starts. Its task will be introduce players to this game.

3. Timing of recruitment! It should be Saturday or Sunday at morning. That way we would be prepared for new arrivals. We should spend all day working with new players.

4. ALL top 5 articles MUST be written as guides for new players. ( Ministerie van Binnenlandse Za , Walhallah's advices..)

5. We need to agree on war at days when we start recruitment. ( If we have war new citizens will be able to hit for TP dmg and will have more fun ).

This is just a skeleton of a plan. As I said before we should hard work at same for days to reaching its success.

For now I would like to see does community support this. If you support please write it in a comment so all of us can draw motivation from your support.
Also if you have any suggestions please write comment with them. Any help is welcome. Now we should write as much as possible assignments, so later we have little easy job by composing earlier ideas.

I am sure this can work out, maybe I am just an optimist .. But I hope for NL future that we can do this.