News From The Homeland

Day 2,334, 13:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by John Valliant
Posting news from my homeland - WHPR

The White House Press Report - Day 2333

Today’s WHPR:
: 1: USAF Merger Update
: 2: Country Additions

Editors: SecMed Blondeninja
Contributors: TellUrGrlThx, Wild Owl, WookyJack, Paul Proteus

USAF Merger

USAF Merger

For the last month we have heard more and more about this USAF MU merger and all I’ve heard about it is players wanting to know more and more about it. So I sat down with current Secretary of Defense Pfeiffer to learn some more about the merger that he didn’t already say in his article on Wednesday.

What has been the hardest challenge so far in the USAF Merger?

Pfeiffer: Working to ensure that all of our key players were on the same page and that things went smoothly for our members.

We all remember when the USAF Merger was first mentioned and published in the WHPR. Can you give us a better understanding on why the old system was replaced with the new one that you made?

Pfeiffer: As I wrote in my article: This organizational structure evenly spreads out the responsibility of running the unit, without placing too great a burden on any single person, and respects the fact that the President is the ultimate authority in our military. Appointing a single meta commander only would have created a de facto Commander in Chief, when we already have one of those elected each month. This system creates a system of equals working together long term, rather than a single person dictating to subordinates.

There have been debates on the USAF MU Merger for months on if we need it or not. Can you give us a better understanding on why this merger has to happen and what benefits and or cons will we gain from it?

Pfeiffer: Game mechanics support it, plain and simple. Having our entire military in a single unit allows for greater ease of command and control by the President, and puts us in a prime position when the admins decide to have one of their little contests. Additionally, during those times that the admins activate unit battle boosters, we can have our entire military dumping massive amounts of damage with greater potency two or three times per day.

There is no fighting that logic. This merger is happening and it will for sure shape our military to become even stronger. We will for sure be stay tuned for more information on this merger and look forward to results of it. Thank you for reading America.

Game Changers: Country Additions
Wild Owl

Equador and Cuba are the leading countries to be added

Plato’s decision to add new countries in eRepublik is certainly an interesting one that has spiced up the game in the past few days for everyone. eRepublik shall be adding a total of four countries, two of which shall be controlled by voters’ decision and two by admins. This has resulted in increased media activity as we see people shouting to add a country of their choice in their friends feed. All sorts of rewards from tanks and food to gold have been offered by many parties to get their chosen country in the game. However this is much bigger than just getting some random countries added for kicks; the ramifications are significant

From a US perspective, we would not want the addition of a hostile country near our borders. Cuba, which is generally being backed by eSerbia and some other players who seem to enjoy roleplaying Castro or simply want to be a thorn in our side, is at the top of the leaderboards right now with a considerable lead that it has maintained since the end of day 1 and will likely do so till the end. At this time, from a purely military standpoint, the best choice for Americans will be to boost up Ecuador’s chances of joining by voting for Ecuador, as it is being voted for by many of our allies in South America, who wish to have another country added in their continent. Ecuador, currently ranked two in the standings, is well placed to get in, and pushes out several other undesirables from the list which can end up hurting eUS interests directly or indirectly. As much as I’d like to see another country in eRepublik personally, as would many others, I realise that by voting individually we stand to lose in the face of organised voting by many of our opponents who are voting in groups. Therefore,I strongly encourage Americans to vote for Ecuador.

Other countries that I see doing well in the competition are Iceland (backed by most of the Nordic nations and some Dutch citizens, who’d like another neighbour in the region), Georgia (backed by Romania and some Turks), Azerbaijan (backed by the considerable RL Azeri population in the game), Armenia (which will almost certainly end up as a resource colony for one of the Middle East countries) and Jamaica (backed by Cipelici). Africa also has a few options, with Morocco and Nigeria both doing well in the stats while Cameroon is struggling. Personally, I expect eRepublik to add an African country anyway to increase their user base in that continent. Many have debated in great detail the pros and cons of having the former Soviet Republics in the game, filling the portion of the map that is empty just north of the Middle East, and if added, I’m quite sure that they’ll add a new dimension of diplomacy to eRepublik. Stay tuned for updates and make sure to help out your nation by voting right.

That's all from across the pond for now, keep up the good fight Yanks - for more, stay tuned eUK 🙂