New Agenda.

Day 1,431, 18:22 Published in Canada Australia by Septimius Maximinus

Like i said before i like to put the people first all the time, but at time of war and threat we cannot do that. What we need to do is finish the UK off and take care of these Romanian PTO's before they damage our glorious country. Now a Country is mainly run by Congress with a president but to get these jobs done we need to elect good people to that are up to the job. I believe that i can do this job. There are alot of people that can and I know there are people that are better then me but not all of them are up to it.

As congressman

I will fight these PTO groups first hand then we shall work on the UK problem and dealing with the eco at the same time. The best way to tackle these problems are in this order and i can do this. Remember Put Canada and it's citizens first before anything else!

VOTE THEOLOR FOR CONGRESS Everybody's opinion matters!

Im running in YUKON