National referendum: national anthem

Day 1,696, 00:22 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Presidency

Hello eBelgians

When I was scanning through the eBelgian wiki page, I saw that our eBelgian anthem was the well-known "Brabançonne". As you all (should) know, this is also the RL national anthem of Belgium.

So I thought: "Hey, this is the New World, why should we stick at the official anthem of Belgium?"

Some other eCountries also have their own. Iran was the first one. Check out their wiki page.

This referendum is being held to see if the citizens want change. If it appears that there is a majority that wants change, the objective is to find a new anthem (the winner will get a prize). To give everyone a fair chance in this, you don't have to write a song yourself.

Referendum question and procedure

Should we renew our national anthem?

Vote YES or NO in the comments section.
51% majority is needed to pass
Deadline: End of day 1,699

Your CP,
