National Emergency:

Day 2,038, 17:53 Published in USA USA by Jimmy Cincinnati

A seven Nation Army has started to engulf the eUS. It will be a tough week. (It seems likely that we will be wiped, before the elections.)
I've never experienced a wipe. But, I put together a survival guide.

(Guerrilla Warfare) Being wiped, will cause problems with communication, logistics and the economy. There are several ways to make more out of what we have;

#1. Start a link with your friends. Announce your fights to people you trust. Ask for advice.

#2. Join IRC, #us-aim. This channel will connect you to some of the largest MUs in the eUS.

(Economic Warfare) You don't need a Q7 weapons factory, in order to conduct this type of war. Your dollars are voting power use them wisely.

#1. Ask your friends if they are selling weapons. You can avoid tax and your friends, often, give you a better deal.

#2. Be a conscious consumer. Try to buy from someone that you recognize.

(Psychological Warfare) Let your enemy feel like they are at war.

#1. Choose your friends wisely. Don't feed information, to dubious characters.

#2. Spy on your enemies. Misinform them.
Get on their IRC, on their forum, and on their Party feed. See what they are up to. Act accordingly.

#3. Let your enemy know, "They are not here as liberators." Insult them, Troll their papers and let them know that they aren't welcome.

I emphasize, "I have never experienced a wipe." If you have got some ideas; I hope you will write an article and share it.

Our phone-line, to the pentagon

eAmerica is strong willed. We will pull through. Hang out and watch the fireworks.
It's important to remember, in times like these, "Great people are made,in times like these."

If you don't know how to use IRC, I'll help you get started.
Send me a P.M.