NaNa Why don't you get a job!, CP Endorsement, FedsUp7Up

Day 2,417, 09:36 Published in USA USA by NBFederalist

[FPR]Naa, Naa Why Don't You Get a JOB!(Fed Jerb Fair),Feds Up 7up,CP Endorsement

Federalist Press Release - Erepublik Day 2417
Today's Federalist News:
1 | Naa Naa Why Don't you Get a Job(Fed JERB Fair)
2 | Feds UP 7
3 |DMJ wins Fed Endorsement for CP

Fed Jerb Fair
FED JERB FAIR; "Naa,Naa, Why Don't You Get a JERB!"

Are you feeling lost and out of touch with your proud and horny companions? Are you feeling left out, or would just like to get more involved? Well there is something for everyone. A jerb everyone needs one right. It's what keeps all of this going. The activity the interactive forums. The communication. It all starts somewhere. Would you like it to start with you? Good news it CAN! The feds are hosting a job fair and all Feds and SHIELD members are welcome to attend. If your not sure what job would fit you best talk to someone in leadership. There's media, FED Ex, recruiting just to name a few. To see a full list click the link here. It will bring you to the jerb fair. So if you'd like to help out and get your name out there for bigger brighter things, we have given you somewhere to start let us know what you'd like to do, and we'll get you going.
List of Current Jerbs for Those Motivated Enough to Accept the Challenge
Fun/Retention DepartmentMessage nickbergman/Bamabettie for Interest
3 Staffers
2 Deputy Director in Training
1 Director in Training
1 No Fed Left Behind Quartermaster in Training
Fed ExMessage Apollo221 for Interest
1 Director
1 Deputy Director
1 Staffer
Fed PartyMessage Apollo221 for Interest
1 Graphics Artist
Fed Press
Always looking for consistant contributions and leaders for writing-Contact Alexander_Auctorias or anyone with Fed Media to become a contributor.
SHIELD-Message WookyJack for Interest
1 MEPS Staffer-Message nickbergman for Interest
1 Recruiting Staffer-Message nickbergman for interest
1 Graphics Artist-Message WookyJack for Interest
1 War College Assistant Director-Message CrashThompson for Interest

All jerbs available take commitment, but if your intent is to advance and grow in the MU the Party or in the game politically it is an important part of learning the tools to make you a more effective player.  As well as the ins and outs of the game that you may not learn otherwise, and as previously stated it is a great way to get involved peak your interest and interact with the best community there is to offer. Stay Proud, Stay Horny, Stay FED UP!

Feds Up 7

What is Feds Up 7 Up you ask?  Well since the Feds are all about giving away stuff to new players for whatever crazy idea we happen to come up with.  Since we are also about shameless self promotion, we present to you Feds Up 7 Up.  These are your stories of becoming a Fed.  How'd you get where you are, what help did you receive.  All those wondeful inspiring stories of adversity and personal growth.  Seriously Lifetime and ABC Family would be drooling.  So if you are a new Fed we want to give you some extra loving with CC or Gold for your stories.  The 7 best stories will be chosen.  You can post your articles HERE to be voted on by some judemental people.  So show your pride and horniness and tell us why you are FED UP!

Feds Endorse DMJ for CP

We are 2 Days away from the July CP election, so we sat down with the man that won the Fed endorsement DMJohnston.  He has been stalwart as the Secretary of Defense, and has always been a trusted word for information and insight for people on both sides of the aisle.  He exudes integrity We got his thoughts, his dreams, his passion for Tom Hanks faces on animals, and how he feels about the Feds.  
Fed Press-FPR

FPR-How do you feel about winnin the Fed Endorsement for CP?
DMJ-I'm very excited. I really respect your party and am close with a lot of members. I appreciate the vote of confidence that I feel comes with the endorsement.
FPR-Have you ever considered being a Fed?
DMJ-I actually was a Fed briefly, after my return to the game about a year ago. It's sometimes hard to find a niche, and having never been very involved with politics before then, I wasn't very adept at getting involved with the party, so when Hale26 invited me to WTP, I gave it a try and it stuck.
FPR-Why are you so drawn to Tom Hanks animals?
DMJ-He's a lot of animals. He's a dynamic guy. Great actor. That combo, it's just irresistible. Like moustaches and bacon.

FPR-MMMM Bacon.Speaking of Bacon how do you feel your campaigns been cooking?
DMJ-I'm really happy with the direction it's heading. That Town Hall meeting I had a couple days ago was a lot of fun and I think it went better than I could have predicted. I feel like the message I'm putting out is getting received, and that's all I can ask for.
FPR-There's been a lot of division in congress for a bit now, do you have any plans to help bring the two sides together and quit the petty squabbling?
DMJ-I think that it's very difficult to remove the rift that exist. But, we can build bridges. A huge part of that is better communication. There will always be disagreement, but if we can be open with each other and make our intentions as clear as possible, it makes it less likely to flare.
FPR-How do you feel about your opponent John Largo?
DMJ-I've made it a point during the campaign not to attack John and instead to present my own plans and vision for the eUS. The race should be about who the best choice for eAmerica is, not which one of us is the less shitty option.
FPR-You have had 4 articles covering your run for CP, is there anything else you'd like to add for the people of the eUS?
DMJ-I think that the biggest thing people should know about me is that I'm a hard worker and I'm devoted to my projects. A lot of things have been said about me this last couple of weeks, but talking to anyone who has worked closely with me will paint a very different picture. I didn't build my cabinet on divisiveness; many people are very willing to work for me and with me. I will help the eUS continue to be an amazing country.
FPR-Well we here at Fed Press would like to thank you for your time, congratulate you on your win of our party's endorsement, and would like to know will you always stay Proud and Horny and beFed Up?
DMJ-Well the horny part is easy, but absolutely I can do that.
FPR-Thanks for sitting down with us and good luck.
There you have eUS a man with a plan.  The winner of the Federalist party's endorsement, and true hardworking patriot.  DMJohnston you have our support and well wishes.  We look forward to the election and seeing your vision beocme a reality.  

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Federalist Media Department
nickbergman-Deputy Director
Damien Wolf

PM ME to join the Federalist Media Department

Federalist, Proud and Horny, Director of Media