My first future term

Day 3,662, 07:36 Published in Israel Belarus by Danielius Lazko

Dear citizens of eIsrael!
I set the goal of improving our country's position on the world stage.
I will try to restore MPP with allies and join a new alliance.
The problem is that now there are restrictions on helping allies to each other, but we will try to overcome this problem.
I promise that I will do everything for the good of the country
and consult with each citizen who wants to offer something or fix it.
For our country, everyone's help is important. Without you this world will be different.
Also, we will continue the program of repatriation and immigration.

Government Cabinet members :

Prime Minister:Mikhail Zarevich Kalashnikov

Minister of Defense: RazorbladeByte

Minister of Education: Naorpe

Governor:Filthy McNasty
