My final ties with eMalaysia, and a histroy of my involvment with eMalaysia

Day 793, 14:47 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by clanky4

I know that it is true that I have left eMalaysia a few weeks ago for eCanada to make a nice profit off of, well working. I am announcing that I will not be returning to eMalaysia.

I had several good and bad times in eMalaysia. Back when I first arrived in eMalaysia, back in September, I had the intent to try to get into congress. Thus I applied for citizenship. I soon received the citizenship and moved on to trying to find a party that would support my endeavors.

I immediately looked at the two largest parties, the DAP and the FUP, the DAP being the larger party at the time. I sent a message to the party president's of both of the the parties. Nagyzee responded immediately to my message and gave me the link to the forums. He made me feel apart of the party right away after he gave me access to the private forums before I even joined the party.

After a short amount of time and the application for running for congress was posted I expressed my desire to run for congress. I was told not to get my hopes up. When the elections for September came around I voted for myself in north east Thailand. When Nagyzee found out about this he was furious.
He said quote, "If you haven't been so selfish, at least Albert Neurath would have gotten into congress"
Nagyzee also made several other my subtle insults about me being selfish. His description of me was my inspiration for starting a company. Under the organization named "Association of Shellfish"

After some time of thinking and going back to the eUK to make lots of money 😉 I decided that my only hope of getting into congress was to do things their way. So when I got back to eMalaysia in October I ran for congress in the region that they wanted me to run in and voted for the person that they wanted me to vote for. I was trying to gain their trust and that meant me having to lose another congressional election.

After I lost the election for the second time in a row I went back to the eUK again to make money more quickly since the economy was not very good in eMalaysia. I returned to eMalaysia in November just in time for the congressional elections. Through my "loyalty" to the DAP they trusted me enough to get members of the party to vote for me in the congressional elections. I got into congress in the November election.

Thus my term as congressman began, I must say it was rather uneventful. No big law proposed. Just donations and issuing money. There was of course eMalaysia's war with eIndoneisa. All congressmen were moved to Sarawak after Peninsular Malaysia fell.

I eventually felt that I was not making enough money in eMalaysia. I was making less then 0.4 gold everyday from my work. Keep in mind at the time I had a rather high skill level in manufacturing. So I started looking around on the job market of foreign nations, and asked around on the forums for nations that had high pay. I eventually found an employer in eCanada. Once my term was over in congress I moved to eCanada on Christmas day. They had some nice deals on airline rates that day.

At this point my main personal objective was to be the most active person on the the eMalaysian national forums. Although this had always been one of my goals at this point it looked like it might be in actual reach. So I responded to everything on the forums. Even if I had nothing to say about it. This is one of the reasons that I dragged on that debate about the value of the MYR.

At last I had done it. I had gotten more posts then Nagyzee did. It was not as fulling as I had thought. However I was still very happy about it.

I was then asked by the soon to be party president of the DAP, Carr De Vaux, to update somethings on the erepublik wikipeida. So I did, I wrote the wikipeida article for the DAP and the article fore badlands17.

The Party president's elections came around and a new party president was elected to the DAP, Carr De Vaux. One of his campaign promises were to change the name of the DAP. Since, as he pointed out, the DAP was an unpopular RL Malaysian political party. CDV then set up a poll for the new name of the party. After the poll ended the party name was changed from the Democratic Action Party to the Democratic People's Party.

I was a bit more then unhappy with the new name. I just had the generalization in my head that anything with the word "People's" in it's name was Communist or Chinese. I certainly did not want to be apart of a Communist party. So I expressed my opinion forcefully. Eventually that lead to this, my final leaving of eMalaysia.

I thank you all, and wish most of you the best of luck,