My dearest Ukraine!!!! (Дорогая моя уКРАЙна)!!!

Day 1,598, 03:49 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Imoenbg1

It's been several quite successful days for your country in EDEN and eRepublik. And today is the culmination of your apotheosis into a heroic and extremely powerful nation.

As we can all see, today the despicable nation of Poland (or Loland as you call them) is attacking your last region. But you got Mr Oles Kurvichak (or whatever the spelling) and the rest of EDEN to blame.

You see, no good deed is left unpunished. After protecting you for quite sometime you tried stabbing us in the back....But I must admit, you were brave and courageous. You did not accept your NE law (mainly because at that time it woudl have been a rather embarassing fail ).

So now you get to reap the rewards of your policy. Call your new friends (Argentinians and Turks) for help. We are no longer there for you.

Good luck in your future endeavours and may Poland rule over your lands for the next couple of years 🙂