My campaign for CW PP

Day 2,184, 09:12 Published in Canada Canada by Zianni Vaatez

If I'm elected, I will not allow IPC to merge with us. Even if they do join, I will not grant any of them congress slots nor will I include them in the community.

There is no room for liars, trolls*, and cheaters in CW. (*Except Pat Harper)

Any party that forces their members to quit because they don't agree with the current administration is a party that doesn't deserve respect.

Member growth and player retention will by my goal. I will also like to add more to the media than it's current state, we need more discussions and more depth to what we write. Which is ironic, because this article is everything but that.

Regardless, I'm just pointing out that IPC should not be allowed to merge with CW. (Plus no one even knows that a merger is going on, so definitely appointing a new CW spokesman.)