Moo on New Citizens (late but not forgotten)

Day 928, 02:46 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by moomoohead

This is the seventh article in my series on what I would do if I get elected. I think it is important to have a clear plan of action at the start of the month because a month goes by quickly. This will be last article.

The Minister of New Citizens has possibly the most unsung roles in any Cabinet. It is usually the Finance and Defence Ministers who get a lot of the attention, but the MoNC is every bit as important if not more so. New citizens are widely regarded as very important to the future of a country and it is the MoNC who is the very first contact for many such people - if the MoNC is doing his/her job well of course.
The MoNC has enormous responsibility for the nurturing and educating of people under their care and I always like to think of them like a Junior Infants (or Kindergarten) teacher due to their role in helping innocent young citizens.
This month we hope to continue the fantastic efforts of previous Ministers and assist as many new citizens as humanly possible to realise their dreams in this game. We of course aim to do this in a efficient and professional manner.

-The mentor scheme has been extremely important in the past and it's certainly here to stay.
-Messaging. This is the most direct way of contacting new citizens. It can be very time-consuming but also rewarding when it enables you to meet new people and help them out.
-Deputies. As well as helping out the Minister in such a time-consuming job, these deputies get their own benefits in terms of experience in Cabinet work.
-Performance indicators such as retention rates and population goals will be given during the term.
-In short, helping loads of e-babies!

-We will have a look at the New Citizen Message this month because it hasn't been looked at for a good while. We wish to see if we can bring it more up-to-date.
-More newbie specific competitions with these competitions having a large learning element attached to them. Significant rewards will be offered for succeeding in reaching a learning outcome.
-We are hoping that whoever volunteers to be a mentor gets some sort of reward to recognize their contribution.

I would love to have your opinion on this also. How do you think this Ministry could be best run? Do you have any suggestions for improvements? Any feedback in the comments section would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

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