Moo Economic Postion

Day 922, 09:27 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by moomoohead

Today is a good day to put out an economic article. I am going to do a series of articles based around the government minister jobs and what we plan to get accomplished next month if I get elected. I am pleased to announce that if I get elected two of the most experienced people in business have agreed to be co-minister of finance, Noggin and Appleman. Both have huge amounts of business and political experience, are completely trustworthy, and have been ministers of finance in the past. If I do not get elected I would hope that who ever does considers both of them for the position. There would not be a lot changing in finance if I was elected because if there was some new brilliant idea I would of enacted it this month.

The things that will continue
**The new weekly finance reports showing government sending, budgets, and taxes taken in will continue. This is important for a transparent government.

**The Bond program we introduced this month will continue but will change slightly to favour new citizens.

**The small business loan program will continue.

**Raw materials purchasing for state companies will continue to be bid on publicly to provide the state with lowest price goods but assist Irish business.

**The state military companies will be run by the minister of finance office.

**State welfare companies will set a minimum wage floor of 2.00 iep a day and will not compete with Irish companies above this threshold.

Changes to the Ministry
**The ministers of trade and industry will report to the Ministers of finance

**The minister of trade will be responsible for setting up an economic conditions spread sheet on each industry which will give Irish business owners a competitive advantage. It will quickly show low cost producers and the best countries to export too.

**At least 4 junior ministers will be employed in ministry of finance to take advantage of being able to learn from the vast knowledge of the two ministers, they will not have access to banc.

**We will continue to explore low risk possibilities of investing government reserves.

**A tax system review team will be set up with the dail to recommend fair tax rates.

**Construction on the Q5 Hospital will be finished during the month and following hospitals delayed.

I want to hit the ground running if elected and I think it is important to have a clear plan in place to do that. If the Dail voted to change any parts of this plan or economic/ political conditions change we would adapt our plan.

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Community(to come soon)
Foreign Affairs (to come soon)