MI - The Calling

Day 639, 00:19 Published in USA USA by Heather Fuchs

General Deificus had his head down over the map, studying it quietly when the door swung open and Lt. General beerman616 stepped into the room. "You called me sir?" he asked. "I did, thank you for coming so quickly, I wanted to run one more scenario by you before we start."

The two men, at the very pinnacle of the Mobile Infantry leadership, worked together with an ease that comes only from spending hours together in difficult and dangerous situations. In any deployment these two men would likely beat you to the bounce. Remember in MI, everyone fights. But tonight there is no fight, there is only planning for an offensive that could kick Russia down a notch or two, and they wanted to be sure every possible outcome had been considered.

The next day they sat in General Deificus's office with Lieutenant Tswell of the Alpha Third. It had been a long, far sweeping discussion as Tswell became the first officer outside of the two generals to hear the entire plan. Lieutenant Tswell leaned back in his chair and whistled gently through his teeth. "That is one aggressive campaign sir, I'm honored you choose us to get it started". "Well Lieutenant, for a long time I've heard there is no platoon more prepared to take it to the enemy than Alpha Three. This is your chance to prove it." General Deificus stated in a matter of fact voice. "You know which three soldiers you are going to assign?" he asked the Lieutenant. "I do." was his only response as he got up and walked to the door.

The mission Lieutenant Tswell had just been given could be thought of as the point of a very large, very sharp spear. Three soldiers would go in behind enemy lines and make the initial preparations.. inflict the initial damage before Russia even knew they were there. And if these three soldiers were successful, the blade and shaft of that mighty spear would follow right behind them and wreak such havoc with the invading Russians they would learn a valuable lesson about trying to kick the eUSA around. Just the kind of mission MI loves.

But also the kind of mission many men never make it back from. These thoughts ran through the Lieutenant's mind as he walked the dusty path back to the barracks. Despite the fact it was late at night, he slammed the door open and back against the wall to alert A3 of his presence. Totally unnecessary as it turned out because every card game, every letter being written to the girl back home, every shallow slumber had been interrupted before his boot hit the first step and A3 was already standing at attention in front of their bunk. Every man and woman a finely tuned fighting machine. As he entered they shouted in unison "HOOAH".

"Ladies" the Lieutenant started, "tomorrow three of you are going to represent the MI.. no strike that, you are going to represent eAMERICA, in one of the bravest and boldest strikes ever to be undertaken on US soil against an enemy." he paused his words to scan up and down the razor straight aisle, proud of every soldier he saw. "Some of you may die, some of you will be wounded, and if captured, you most certainly will be tortured. But the military contribution you will make will be sung from the halls of history so long as men have memory."

Every soldier in that building was thinking only one thing - SEND ME SIR!

…continued next week

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Respectfully submitted
Lt Colonel Dania
Mobile Infantry Press Officer

It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you. ~Dick Cheney
