Memoirs of a Pedestrian

Day 3,849, 11:03 Published in USA USA by Jimmy Cincinnati

There is currently a proposal to pardon chickenguys. I'm not in congress, but I wasn't going to let that stop me from espousing my views.
For those of you who don't know what blacklisting is; it's basically the removal of his ability to vote.
Chickenguys has been involved in a lot of shenanigans, but he's rarely been the key player. It's my opinion that he just fell in with the wrong crowd. Some of our most esteemed citizens have attempted worse and we overlooked it, because those are our friends. Well, Chickenguys is my friend. I have no doubt that his loyalties belong to the eUS, above any other. Let's give Chickenguys another shot. Please Support this proposal.

I attended the international congress last week.
Everything was coordinated and it's not as though it was hard to comprehend, but I just couldn't shake the feeling that I was riding on the coattails of people who were smarter than I. (RIP Leon)
Attendance was lax, but that didn't prevent us from creating more work. A Central Committee was established and I got to name the social welfare program. (Bernie's Bistro.)

The aim of the bistro is to supply small parties, with left leaning agendas. We believe this will foster the next generation of philandering philanthropists. The problem is; we don't have any money.
If you are able and willing to contribute, contact Gustavo35.