MEK not just fighters.. but business men too

Day 2,706, 14:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Lord of Bones


So it would appear that the UK has been freed, MEK is no more in the UK.

Or should I say freed by Scarfar, I take your attention momentarily to this announcement.

My hat goes off to Scarfar who appears to have used the most simple tactic of them all.. name your price and give it back. It worked but why? well what we know for sure is that MEK stole £130,000 from the country accounts. The reasons for this were pretty clear from the offset. They had spent £200,000 to start the dictatorship and wanted to claw some of that cash back. So after removing this money they had in affect only really spent £70,000 and gained a lot of positive press for their bold attack.

Did we get a good deal? or did MEK make a tonne of cash?

What's not certain is just how much Scarfar has paid to acquire control of the UK version of MEK MU and ultimately control of the UK. Will Scarfar be wanting a full refund? and can the UK afford to pay it? They are many questions to be answered in the coming weeks. One thing is for certain we need to increase our MPP stack again and begin regaining our territory starting with the French.

MEK will no doubt have acquired over £100,000 in this deal and have made a tidy profit on this attack. We might never know the true numbers behind the deal, but its a deal im grateful for.

Why now?
So why have MEK sold up and moved shop? with everyday of a dictatorship rule in UK the 'Determination' percentage on battlefield begins to increase. I was told that after 2 weeks it would be 2.00% meaning in-affect your damage on the battlefield is doubled. MEK would have lost and walked away reputation damaged and £70,000 down.

We had 3 days to install a dictator, was the government too slow to react?

Instead they walked away having taught us all a key lesson and a profit. Democracy does not work with these game mechanics and we must stay vigilant and make decisions quicker. We lacked proper guidance and a timely referendum.. lets not allow this to happen again.

Just a thought?
Finally, will this pave the way for a major MU taking down an already well established dictatorship? For example lets say Poland sets up a MU and starts a revolution in Serbia to remove their dictator.. 10 days later they start they own dictatorship and steal the money.. is this a possibility?

That's all from me for now.
Thanks for reading.