mckitkat과의 대화

Day 2,997, 17:37 Published in South Korea South Korea by d sorbitol

킷캣 대화본만 발췌 하겠습니다

let me get this straight, the CP is inactive / not doing his job?

Well, with the elections up it seems a bit harsh to kick South Korea out

We don't know if the next CP will be active

well I shall keep it in consideration and see how the new CP acts

see if I can improve his activity
PLUTO has been going through some changes

and more will be coming once the elections are over
World Situation is pretty fucked right now

Thanks to you mate for telling me this.
These things tend to go unnoticed
especially since we don't get that much opportunity to talk to South Korea due to timezone

well we talk on PM's
but last talks were during the MTO from Romanian

since then we have been kind of reclusive talking about the future path of pluto
after elections we'll probably have a big meeting
with a lot of change

일단 서두에서는

플루토연합 추방의견을 이야기 했죠

킷캣 뚜껑열렸죠 😁

다음 cp가 활동 잘하도록 자기가 증명해보이겠다는데..

킷캣 착하네요

음 플루토와는 잘 대화 하셨나 보네요? 우리의 2002년생 cp가

그런데 한국 내각들과는 대화를 안했다??

이거 완전 무개념 이네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

현실에 비유하자면 박통의 업적을 등에 지고 당선된 공주님 같네요

뭐 여기까지만 말씀드리죠

더 이상의 플루토회의를 이용한 직무유기는 없을것입니다😁

2002년생 cp 업적하나 추가요

"플루토 연합장 뚜껑열리게 만들다"