Make The Viceroy Great Again!

Day 3,286, 06:13 Published in USA Belgium by MCKitkat

Greetings America, Greetings Feds,

I come to you in times of great need. It is no secret that fingerguns has destroyed our traditional values when she took over the position of Viceroy. She’s a crooked person who been supported by a rigged system. Most importantly however, is that she has accepted those filthy non-Feds to take part in the Viceroy programs. HOW DARE SHE, give our jobs to ungrateful non-Feds.

You see, when the Non Feds come to Discord, they are not the best people. They’re people that have lots of problems, they are lazy, they are ungrateful, they are idiots and some, I assume, are good people. I’ve asked fingerguns to reveal the Wheel process but she hasn’t complied, in fact, she has told me that all files were deleted. Is this the Viceroy you deserve? No, she is a crooked person and once I am Viceroy I shall jail her for all her crimes. For letting kody5 back into the Wheel she deserves to be put into trial and then immediately into prison.

fingerguns ideas in a nutshell

The position of Viceroy was once great, but fingerguns regime destroyed it, it brought us back into the Stone Age. An age where rich people like myself can’t use their power to win, but where relatives of fingerguns could cherish and get generous advantages. It is time to wipe out fingerguns regime and make the Viceroy great again.

That is why I, MCKitkat, am officially announcing my candidacy for Viceroy of the Feds. The Greatest Viceroy there ever was and ever will be. I’ve run businesses before, I’ve run activities before. I’m rich, I’m charismatic, I’m just an all around good person and the BEST candidate for the Feds. I have the best blow and the best hookers, it’s huge, HUGE I tell you. I’m the proudest and horniest person there is, believe me, nothing is small or insignificant on my end. It’s all Huge, just like the Fed Party and the Viceroy will be once I win, HUGE!

What are my plans for Viceroy? You’ll see, I have lots of plans, great plans indeed, but I have to keep them secret or otherwise my competitors will try and steal my plans and sell them like they are their plans. However, I can assure you, the plans are great. They will fix the broken, rigged system and will bring the Feds back into greatness again, far from the fingerguns dictatorship

Make the Viceroy great again!.

This message is brought to you by the “Make the Viceroy Great Again, Totally not owned by MCKitkat, look elsewhere dammit” Superpack.

Much Love and Praise be Thy Tay Tay


@fingerguns made these, give her your stuff, do it.