Lost Canada

Day 1,528, 18:31 Published in Canada Australia by Septimius Maximinus

Canada use to be a great nation. now its on the verge of a political take over, by a misguided group called norsefire headed by the dictator rolo. They have taken over some parties and now are on the verge of making canada a true dictatorship. The norsefires are the new Fascist, the new evil, I and many of canadian citizens and citizens from other countries call on you brave comrades to stop the fascist takeover and bring our great nation from the gates of hell to the gates of heaven. Canada is lost but can be found. The dark ages of Fascist evil is right outside our doors and we are turning our back to it? we must fight this new evil and save canada from the clutches of dictatorship.

So Fascists do us all a favor and

Thanks comrades for reading,

- Theo