Logical Problem [15 Gold Reward]

Day 2,114, 15:58 Published in Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia by I-G-D

Yo, what's up ?

I was doing this problem with two friends of mine a few days ago... I really liked it (there are few problems that I really like) and I figured out I should give it to some other people to try to solve it. 🙂

To make things more interesting, I'll put in a 10 Gold reward. The first person to solve it gets the entire reward, everybody else gets nothing...

The problem is purely logical. Even though I'm a mathematician in real life, I know that most people dislike maths... But I assure you, you don't need a good mathematical knowledge to do one half of this problem. I'm not gonna say anything about the second half. 😛

So what is the problem ?

You have one chicken egg. The chances that the chicken survives is x. X is a given number, constant, between 0 and 1 (if x is 0.7, that means that the egg has a 70% chance to survive, for example). If it survives, it will grow up, give birth to 2 eggs, then die. These two eggs also have the probability of x to survive. This goes on with one simple rule: each egg has the probability of x to survive, grow up, then give birth to 2 eggs, and logically, the probability of 1-x to die. What is the probability that the species dies out eventually ?

I don't want to just hear the answer, I want the full solution with all the steps...

Good luck to everyone. 😉

P. S. : All Subs are greatly appreciated.

Edit : Consider that all the chickens mentioned in the problem are female, and that you have enough male chicken (roosters) to fertilize all the living hens. Hence, if the females die out, the species will die out as well. The way they make the two eggs is not important, the only thing important is that they will definitely make exactly two eggs if they survive birth.

Edit : Sparkfyre offers 5 more Gold if the problem gets solved. The reward is now 15 Gold.