Logamac for President(immigration and foreign affairs)

Day 1,104, 03:35 Published in Singapore USA by logamac


The country has been small for a very long time. It’s never been big. This country has fears about PTOers. I know we had trouble with The Big Bang Theory and that guy who made over 2000 bots. I think we should be scared but not so scared that we name every Serbian and foreign person a PTOer. People don’t come to this country because they’re scared. That’s why I want to accept more citizenship applications. I don’t want you accept everyone because that’s bad. The immigration system will be easier to pass. If we see someone that has done bad things we won’t accept him. We won’t look at people as races but as people. This is another problem in this country. We look at people as races but not as people. When the Swedish people came and they trolled we didn’t accept any applications and some weren’t trolling. So I want to change this as well.

Foreign affairs:

Foreign affairs are an important thing. We created the ONE alliance and you hardly hear about it. This country has no wars so we have no battles. I want to get into wars so we can get more experience points in the country and the weapons industry will be worth a lot more. I won’t make the country become part of the big alliances but just join in the wars. There will be more weapons companies and people will move into Singapore for battles. So the country will be much richer in the long run.

That is the end of this part but I will release the other part of my manifesto tomorrow. If you want to ask anything comment or message me.

Logamac for change.
