Logamac For Fed PP

Day 1,846, 07:38 Published in USA USA by logamac

Hello my fellow fed, I am writing this article today to accept and fight for the role of Party President of the Federalist party. I am currently the head of recruitment for the Federalist and I have achieved so much in this role. I want to be more than what I am like all the other candidates. I want to start a golden age for the Federalist party and make the AFA weak.

My Goals:

1) Increase activity and make the party more fun.
2) Weaken or completely wipe the AFA from the top 5 list.
3) Become the second largest party in the USA or if we can the strongest.
4) Create a weekly fed newsletter to show what we have been doing.
5) Hit Ajay with a stick.

Things about me:


I am a dedicated person and that is why I am writing this article today. To show you what I believe we should do to make this country great and safe. This may not be my home but it is my eHome and I want to do it proud. This is why I am against Ajay and his band of PTOers.


I have been told I am a lovely erson in real life and in game. I love being nice and I love being funny. I hope I am funny or entertaining in some way and I want to make everyone smile.


I have been working hard in my current job of being the head of recruitment in the Federalist party and that is the reason why we are growing. I want to put this to the test and help the party even more.

Things I want to introduce:

Weekly Fed Newsletters: This will make the party look active and it will look good for the party. If a party does not show activity and keep quiet about what it is doing no one will join it because it is quiet. Being quiet is boring and we want to be loud.

Fed Immigration Office: The AFA members from other countries may be medal hunters or multi makers but some of them will be great for the eUSA. This immigration office I want to introduce will reduce the flow of unwanted immigrants into the country and it will increase growth for the federalist party. It will mean that the AFA will lose their main source of power and it will make it safer for us to have proper elections.

Fed Radio: I know Duncan C has said this as well but I think it is a great idea. If someone like fingerguns or other great members of the party have time to do this I will be happy to organise this.

Final Words:

I wish all the candidates luck in this election and I hope it is a fair one. Let have fun and I hope the best person wins and that can be anyone.

My Interview: http://www.erepublik.com/ro/article/-fed-interview-with-logamac-2171706/1/20

My Answers: http://fedparty.forumotion.com/t1051-logamac-s-answers#21449