Letter to God from Half Athiest

Day 2,589, 22:55 Published in Pakistan India by MR K.D

God God God!!!!
now good is trending topic in india through social media,media & all other sources of imformation. & among general chatter in nukkad of big cities of india.mostly due to Rajkumar Hirani's movie "PK ". which touched sn sensual topic "Religion".

we need god .for our own self satisfaction .. because we need god when we are in pain or we do not have any one to speak to & are lonely & depressed & feeling sorry for urself or in difficult situation u cannot talk to. .for exp when we fear while we give our exams or when u give ur interview or ur .
it is ok to belive in god.but following it blindly that is something u are doing wrong.lke example when u read quran some thing are good example would use in ur daily life when u r misguided or wrongly taught organistaion like are isi & let & taliban are formed.
i would to finish this article on foll FB Post by my friend To all people defaming the concept of religion based on one movie need to concentrate on the following:
ISIS or LeT ain't Islam...
Fake Baba's ain't Hinduism...
Fraud healers in the name of Jesus ain't Christians...
Religion ain't bad. It in fact is one of the best things to happen to humans.
It's the misinterpretation of the Holy scriptures and the animosity created by falsely showing all religions as foes that's bad.
In short, Religion was created by the Wise, twisted by the Evil and now condemned by the foolish!!!
& thinkl rat ional & thinl ligically but not too much practical.& enjoy ur life

The half atheist