Learning about ourselves (Where are you from?)

Day 2,069, 18:35 Published in USA Argentina by bigcdizzle

Hey guys, I know that it's been a while since I wrote an article (even though I promised to write more). I've been pretty inactive for the last couple of weeks. I have however had an idea for the eUS, and if you would be willing to support it, we may be able to learn quite a bit about each other.

Here's some music to go with the article:

It's pretty kickass

eRep is paradox.

We all come here day after day to interact, associate with people, make friends, invest emotion, and have fun, yet rarely do we ever take a moment to question the details of our experience here.

The realization that I have made, is that we, as citizens of the eUS, know very little about the people that we call countrymen and friends. With the exception of certain close friends, I know very little about any of the people that I interact with on a daily business. This creates an interesting dichotomy where we can simultaneously be close friends, and complete strangers.

I do of course understand the purpose of maintaining a certain level of anonymity over the internet. There are certain Psychopaths out there who would take advantage of personal information, but there are certain things about ourselves that we can share without much concern. This brings me to the purpose of this article:

One easy way to learn more about the community of the eUS, is to know where we all live in real life. To accomplish this, I've made a form for each citizen to fill out. This form will give us a good idea of where we all live, without people (including me) having to know anything too specific.

If you would like to, please fill out this form, then share it with the people in your parties and MU's. Let's learn more about the community that we are a part of.


I'll compile the results, and map them for an upcoming article, so fill out the form, and represent your city in eRep. Who knows, you might even learn something...

After all, "Travel is fatal to prejudice bigotry and narrow-mindedness" -Mark Twain