Last Moo Article for a While

Day 957, 07:04 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by moomoohead

Last article for a while. Thank god. Couple of bits to clear off my desk and then hand over the keys to the next guy. Quick story first. A new player wrote me yesterday and said “are you my president”. I wrote back “yes for a day or two”. He then wrote to me and said “I was looking at your national goals and saw you had taking Scotland, what about it”. Got a good laugh and thought you will never make everyone happy. The funny thing is I actually did discus taking Scotland a couple hours before.

We have a couple of options today. Two Resistances wars, one in North Dakota and one In Northern Ireland. Our Croatian Brothers are being attacked and South Africa asked if we can support them. So here are the priorities. We are deploying to help in Croatia, they have always been there for us and we will always be there for them. The home guard will fight green in North Dakota, we worked too hard to get there and will not let if fall. We will tank at end of war if we have too. If we can we will support South Africa, will see what the status is at end of war. The North is a diversion, the war was started so we blow a lot of our damage there. Leave it be for now. I actually tried to demand peace from the English today for 10,000 gold. The game would not let me because they only had 5 gold in there national treasury, lol. New CP can close out other wars we have open.



Skill Migration
I once gave a guy a stock tip. He lost a little on it and I lost a lot. The jerk never let me forget he lost some money and I have never given any stock market advise since. So on skill migration educate yourself and make the best choices for you. Time is running out so you have to make up your mind soon. The only advise I will give is stay away from the skills that have cool sounding names like Engineer, architect, project manager. They appear to be over subscribed, go for jobs like producer, harvester, and carpenter. There is a post in the public Dail showing where to get information and a best guess on what our national targets should be. Connell and Celtic tiger put out articles yesterday that are being advertised. We have seen some good improvements since articles were published but still could use some more in harvesting and construciton ( except for builders). I would like to get some chain shouts going out calling for more artillery, carpenters, producers and especially harvesters. We will need harvesters for North Dakota BUT it is a risk the we will not always have it. So the choice is up to everyone. Still confused ask advise from a senior player.

Dub asked me to put in a plug for the new national constitution. He can correct me or expand on it in the comments below if I mess it up. Basically we had a long period of time were all we did was write laws and got a big constitution as a result. The dail spent half there time debating wording. One of the major problems of this was that it was not enforceable, hard to understand for next generation of Tds, and had set a different set of rules outside of the game. The new constitution just scraps almost all of what was there before. Dub believes it will strength the role of the Dail, he told me it would make the president an emperor or something like that. I stopped reading after that. If you have any questions please ask Kavrock or Dub.

Thank Yours
At this point the president usually writes some big bit thanking everyone. I am not going to bore you with that. So just wanted to say two quick ones. Thanks to all the people who worked hard to make this an interesting month and thanks to the Irish citizens for letting me do the job this month. One last thought to leave you with. Kind of funny sometimes how the game mimic real life. I few days ago Ireland was being invaded by Poles, and now we have too many people with the skill of builder.