Kuvajte samnom 2.deo

Day 2,342, 03:55 Published in Serbia Montenegro by Rastafarianac

Scroll down for English (Sorry for the bad English, I used Google Translate)

Mislio sam da svake nedelje izbacujem jedan clanak na ovu temu tj. jedan recept, ali mislim da nema dovoljno avanturista da to spremaju pa ce ovo biti drugo i poslednje izdanje "Kuvajte samnom".

Ako vam je nejasno kako to MARIHUANA u kuhinji procitajte moj clanak od pre
Kuvajte samnom 1.deo

Sad cu izbaciti sve recepte koje sam nasao (nisam ni ja sve isprobao, ali vecinu jesam i odlicni su!). Ako primetim da ste zainteresovani jos cu da ih trazim i izbacivacu moje slike tih ukusnih obroka.


1 solja soka od jabuke

1/4 solje soka od sljiva

1/4 solje trave

3 ociscene i izdinstane sljive 1

jaje po zelji dodati malo secera

Staviti sve sastojke u mikser i mesati dok se ne ujednaci.


1 solja ananasa

1 solja pomorandze

1 solja jagoda,grozdja,banana ili bilo kog drugog voca

1 solja kokosa

1 solja belog sleza

1/3 solje trave

1-2 solje pavlake

Izmesati sve sastojke.Staviti u frizider i ostaviti 24 sata.Posle moze i da se jede.

Prijatno !


3 solje ohladjene slatke jabukovace ili soka od jabuke(bolje jabukovaca)

5 kasika cvetnog meda

3 solje brusnica

1 isecena banana

1/2 solje trave Sastojke mesati mikserom dok se sve ne ujednaci.



1,5 solja zobene kase

2 kasike pavlake

20-25 grama sto sitnije (po mogustvu prosejane) trave

3 kasike cvetnog meda

1 solja smedjeg secera

1 solja suvog grozdja brasno voda

Skuvati zobenu kasu u 2 solje vode.Dodati preostale sastojke i postepeno sipati i mesati brasno i vodu dok masa ne postane kompaktna.Masu ostaviti da se ohladi,a zatim je usuti u zamascen pleh i peci 20 minuta na 180 stepeni.



1 kasicica vanile

1/4 solje seckanih lesnika ili oraha

3/4 solje kondenzovanog mleka

1/4 solje trave Istopiti cokoladu na pari.

Polagano usuti vanilu,mleko i travu.Skloniti sa ringle i dodati lesnike.Sipati masu u pleh namazan buterom(najbolje onim sto je Toma spremao ).Ostaviti da se ohladi.



-200g šećera

-200g brasna

-200g margarina za kuvanje

-200g čokolade za kuvanje

-2 jajeta

-2 kashike kakaoa

-po želji seckanih lešnika, badema

-15g zelene radosti

Očistite travu od sementki i granja, i sameljite u mašinici za mlevenje kafe. Stavite da se sa margarinom kuva na pari, kad proključa kuvajte još 5-10 min, na umerenoj vatri.

To sve sipajte u jednu veliku vanglu, dodajte brašno, šećer, jaja, kakao, i 100g izdrobljene čokolade, i mešajte dok se ne dobije jednaka masa, i dodajte lešnike i bademe. Pleh podmažite margarinom, razvucite "testo", ne deblje od 1.5cm i pecite na 180ºC jedno 20 minuta.

Ostalih 100g čokolade rastopite sa par kašika mleka, i time premažite kolač kada ga izvadite. Secite na kocke.

NEMOJTE PRETERIVATI SA KOLAČIMA! Strašno su ukusni, nedajte se prevariti... Rad tek posle 45min-1.5h... Držaće vas nekih 3-5 sati, zato, pažljivo...


Svima kojima se svidelo neka daju makar glas.

I thought each week I cast an article on this topic that is . a recipe , but I think I have enough adventures to prepare so this will be the second and last edition of the " Cook for me ."

If you are unclear as to marijuana in the kitchen read my article from before

Now I pull out all the recipes that I found ( I did not even have tried everything , but most did and excellent they are! ) . If you find that you are still interested I will look for them and the bouncer my pictures of these delicious meals .


1 cup of apple juice

1/4 cup prune juice

1/4 cup of grass

3 cleaned and stewed plums 1

egg optionally add a little sugar

Put all ingredients in a blender and mix until combined.

fruit salad

1 cup pineapple

1 cup orange

1 cup strawberries , grapes , banana or any other fruit

1 cup coconut

1 cup marshmallow

1/3 cup of grass

1-2 cups of cream

Stir all sastojke.Staviti in the fridge and leave for 24 sata.Posle and can be eaten .



3 cups chilled fresh cider or apple juice ( cider better )

5 tablespoons of flower honey

3 cups cranberries

1 excised banana

1/2 cup grass ingredients interfere mixer until everything is combined.



1.5 cup of oatmeal

2 tablespoons sour cream

20-25 grams which smaller ( by screened mogustvu ) grass

3 tablespoons honey flower

1 cup brown sugar

1 cup raisins, flour water

Cook oatmeal in 2 cups vode.Dodati remaining ingredients and gradually pour and mix the flour and water until the mixture becomes kompaktna.Masu leave to cool , then pour into greased pan and bake 20 minutes at 180 degrees.



1 teaspoon vanilla

1/4 cup chopped hazelnuts or walnuts

3/4 cup condensed milk

1/4 cup grass Melt the chocolate in the money .

Slowly pour the vanilla , milk and travu.Skloniti the top and add lesnike.Sipati mass in buttered baking sheet butter ( best with what Tom is ready ) . Allow to cool .



- 200g of sugar

- 200g of flour

- 200g of margarine for cooking

- 200g dark chocolate

-2 eggs

-2 Kashiki cocoa

- optional chopped hazelnuts , almonds

- 15g green joy

Clean grass from sementki and branches , and grind the reels for grinding coffee. Put the margarine with steamed when the boil cook for 5-10 min on medium heat .

Pour it all into one big vanglu , add flour , sugar , eggs , cocoa , and crumbling 100g chocolate , and stir until you get equal weight , and add the hazelnuts and almonds. Grease the baking pan with margarine , extend the "test " is not thicker than 1.5cm and bake at 180 degrees about 20 minutes .

Melt the remaining 100g chocolate with a few tablespoons of milk , and thereby coat the cake when you take it out . Cut into cubes .

Do not exaggerate with the cake ! They're very tasty, Do not let yourself be fooled ... work only after 45min - 1.5h ... It will keep you about 3-5 hours , so carefully ...

Enjoy ...

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