Kara Blok party:A criminal organization

Day 1,119, 10:57 Published in Czech Republic United Kingdom by Rathena Gelc

Hello everyone.I wasn't online for a month because 1. My internet connection was broken.
2. I moved to London. But everything works now.

But,the person that I will write about today is no one else than Kara Blok.
As I can see,when I was offline Democrats won the elections and I'm happy about it.
We won the Communists.But,Kara Blok is not giving up.She wants to steal the money like she(and her friends) did with bank.They stole the money.And now,she has her party and hopes for a win in elections.She stole the money from the bank.But,she wants more.And more!And MORE!
Her new burglar friend and she,want the money that we donated in bank.And she has Jesus on her picture with a communist flag.Didn't the communists killed over 100 milion people in WW2?
We must stop her in her plan to be a President of Czech Republic and to ruin our country like her friend Utku Akin did.Kara Blok,how dare you?

Kara Blok party really is a criminal organization.

P.S. I respect communists(but I don't like them very much),but i don't have respect for Kara Blok because she's a thief.Shame on you.