It’s My Party

Day 1,915, 01:11 Published in USA United Kingdom by wingfield

(... and I'll dream if I want to ...)

Long years ago, in another age of the eWorld, there were five great American parties. The greatest was the United States Workers Party, without peer anywhere in the eWorld. Its fellows were the Libertarian Party, the American Advancement Party, the United Independents Party and the Conservative Party.

Knocking on the door was the rising Federalist Party; young, vigorous and still true to itself.

In these golden days there was intense rivalry between the parties and strong competition. New players emerged regularly and took their places in Congress and government. All parties put America first, despite arguments and personalities.

Nobody can pretend that those days were perfect. However, they were light years ahead of the moribund state of affairs today. Back then, no one dared tell a party how to act. No shadowy figures decided who could run for Country President. No one enforced government ideology by sending people into other parties to manipulate their elections.

A dark shadow has fallen upon us all. One party with narrow interests and a highly individualist leader seeks to assume sole power in the country. The other large parties (and smaller ones too) are considered branches of one all-encompassing bloc known as Unity. The faceless leaders of this bloc seek to deny power to anyone else, whether they be the hostile large party or any independent thinkers.

Congress members are handpicked veterans and loyalists with an ever-increasing average age. Approved candidates for party presidents are picked by a miniscule minority in unrepresentative forums controlled by trolls called forum admins.

So, what would my ideal party be like?

My party would give all members a say in electing the party president by the simple expedient of in-game voting.

My party would be competitive in seeking power, for the good of the country and the good of the party members.

My party would not take orders from government.

My party members would have leaders who promoted new players and spread opportunity around, rather than endorsing the same old candidates every election.

My party would oppose government and external interference and takeover. If the members have their party stolen, we would simply wait and work to get it back. The party would remain alive in its loyal members.

My party would be true to its beliefs and principles. It would never sell its soul in the pursuit of power.

My party would give unconditional support to nobody. Political support does not come for free. It has to be earned and negotiated.

My party would have freedom of speech in its internal workings.

In my party, old players like me would work to develop others and help them toward positions of leadership, both in the party and in the country.

My party would encourage active participation in independent military units, positive use of the media and, most of all, to have fun in the game.

To those who say that I am only dreaming, I answer that it sure beats the current nightmare from which we just cannot seem to wake.