Ireland: O7 'ing into the Abyss

Day 2,829, 02:58 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken


Currently we are few and do work together. There is nothing wrong with that. But I see some decisions now where I see we not deliberating stuff anymore. And most of them do have an influence on each citizen. We are paying more taxes, only 1 non performing mu is receiving funds meaning we need to fund our own mu's ourselves,.

WORK TAX 1% TO 3 % Hike
Here is several screenshots. Whilst we were occupied our production was cut by a quarter almost exactly. I then had a production of 30000 at a work tax of 82 iep

therefore i got 660 minus 82 or 578. Immediately when we go rid of Argentina the proposal to raise work taxes was made. A proposal that was O7'ed into law with 12 vs 1 (although i wonder if they did not realize i cannot vote there) Now i get 40000 WRM a day for 246 iep

therefore each day I receive 880 minus 246 = 634. There was no opportunity as I suggested to help our producers recover a bit. Yes we do not lose money from the previous system. But I still see zero return on my daily 246 donation to the state.

Reconsidering the role of the Irish Army:

Who is making the damage and how much do they receive.

The Irish Army is still receiving all the funding. The Irish Army is not doing all the damage . A mere 3% of the damage.

Can we afford to O7 ourselves into the abyss with outdated policies.

In my opinion :he that does the damage must get the funding as well proportional funding. It was always an outdated idea to support a "national army". It is an outdated idea to deny funding for your MU. The idea with MU'S should be nurture not control. Provide them with funding and ask them to help in wars. In this way the MU leader and the MOD is on equal grounds. One is not getting commands FROM the other. It is not a matter of independence v STATE CONTROL.

Join the Clerics! Open to the publicks . Be in the number 1 MU.

Wear the hooded avatar and scare small children:

Also now with cookies and even Q7 weps.

Hear the tales of the eternal thread.....

Now with Careful, Biednymis, Micutzu,nerusia,Krakken, Depatrick, Elite c, nOGIN THE NOG and many more well rounded people.