Interview with matrixcore

Day 567, 15:19 Published in Spain Croatia by Plese Tomislav

Dear eSpain!
Greetings from Croatia!
You are reading Croatian Interview magazine!
I'm here today to publish new interview with matrixcore!

Tell us something about yourself in RL.
My name is Ivan, I live in Zagreb, and I've just today celebrated my 26th birthday 🙂, so Happy Birthday to me 🙂. During the day I work, and during the night I hang out on eRepublik 🙂.

How did you find out about eRepublik??
I actually found about it from webstartm from one forum, and though, why not try it, now when eCroatia has been introduced. The rest is history.

How did you get the idea for your nickname?
Hehe, everybody asks me that, and to be honest, I don't really remember anymore. All I remember, is that it came to me one day a long time ago (yes, before The Matrix triology), by looking at some pictures on the Internet. And from then, I've used it everywhere, and am still using it.

Describe to us how you got started.
It wasn't easy. I joined eRepublik on December 21th, 2008, just recently after the introduction of eCroatia, and I remember that in the first few weeks, there was an everlasting battle for food on the market 🙂. There was no help in the form of The Welcoming Office, and such Offices, which are doing their job very well today. For the first few weeks, I was exploring, learning, and looking what this game was all about. Then I tried to come up with a plan to gather as much money possible, so that I could become a great bussinesman, and make lots of money. Almost six months later, I still have no money whatsoever, but I did manage to open my little company, for witch I care very much, and handle it with grat care. 🙂

How did you end up in HDS?
The moment I reached level 7, I went to see what parties are available, and wich one would suit me the most. After detailed research, I decided for HDS, because, at the moment it looked like the most open and comunicative party. And I wasn't wrong 🙂 At the moment, I knew nobody from any party, and I chose HDS purley for their image. If I had known at the time of who the party had consisted, I wouldn't think about it for a second, and would join HDS immediately.

You've candidated for the party president. Do you have the intention to candidate for the Country president?
Yes, the party president candidature is probably my punishment for all the hard work and effort, I've put int he party 😛 I see my candidature as a culmination of my total work and effort int he prty, and if elected, I have no intenton of stopping there 🙂. As far as the country candidature goes, I think I have much more to learn, to even think about something like that, let alone candidate.

Comment the work of the current goverment.
Well, what to say. Can't get any better than this 🙂. Then again, I am the part of that goverment, so of course, I'll brag about it 😛 If I didn't think that this goverment doesn't do a great job, I wouldn't be a part of it. Many projects were started, and succesfully acomplished, with great success. I am proud to be a part oft his goverment.

What do you think about the work of IVAN RADMAN?
IVAN RADMAN is one determined player, who made giant steps forward for eCroatia, in his two (three) mandates as the president. I have nothing but the greatest respect and gratitude towards him, and towards everything he has done (and is still doing) for our eHomeland.

Tell us something about your organisation Kvascici d.o.o.
Well, my org has been founded to be a host to many different companies, of which, only one has a permanent residence there, at the moment. It is called FaBu grain, and has managed to profit enough on a highly competitive market, not to be closed down 🙂. In the future, I se my organisation as a host for many companies all over the eWorld (sometime in the next 5 years 🙂 )

Any advice for new players?
Always, and always glad to help them myself. The biggest advice anyone could give them is: read! Read your PM's, read your Welcoming message, read the articles, read, read, read. It is unbeliveable hom much infromation you can get from articles, shouts, PM's, etc.. 🙂 And if there is still somethng you don't nderstand, ask! Many older players are always glad to help.

Thank you ladys and gentelman.
Once again, greetings from Croatia
Your sincerely,
Plese Tomislav